Email configuration via SMS

In this article we will go through configuring your mobile phone's email account.
Many phones supports POP3 and IMAP accounts, but we are going to configure a simple POP3 account as
an example.
To check emails , also an access point (APN) is needed, so we will also configure an internet connection.
Not all phones that support POP3 email also support SMS configuration and not all phones have email
Also, some phones don't support OTA configuration and some phones still don't support OMA
In order to configure properly your phone, you will need:
A POP3 email account
 Your email account details, such as:
 A profile name
 POP3 address
 SMTP address
 Username
 Password
 An internet provider for your phone (typically a GPRS access point)
 An SMS gateway which is enabled to send binary SMS (for example over http)
So, in order to be concrete, we will OTA configure a simple email account with SMTP authenticated mail
Let's immagine that my email address is “" and that my password is
POP3 server (to check emails) could be “" and the SMTP server (to send emails) could be
“" and lets assume that SMTP and POP user/passwords are the same.
The profile will be called “MyEmail".
For the APN
In order to configure an internet connection (for example via GPRS), we will use the minimum details, that
is the Access Point Name, for example “".

In this article we will go through configuring your mobile phone's email account.
Many phones supports POP3 and IMAP accounts, but we are going to configure a simple POP3 account as
an example.
To check emails , also an access point (APN) is needed, so we will also configure an internet connection.
Not all phones that support POP3 email also support SMS configuration and not all phones have email
Also, some phones don't support OTA configuration and some phones still don't support OMA
In order to configure properly your phone, you will need:
A POP3 email account
 Your email account details, such as:
 A profile name
 POP3 address
 SMTP address
 Username
 Password
 An internet provider for your phone (typically a GPRS access point)
 An SMS gateway which is enabled to send binary SMS (for example over http)
So, in order to be concrete, we will OTA configure a simple email account with SMTP authenticated mail
Let's immagine that my email address is “" and that my password is
POP3 server (to check emails) could be “" and the SMTP server (to send emails) could be
“" and lets assume that SMTP and POP user/passwords are the same.
The profile will be called “MyEmail".
For the APN
In order to configure an internet connection (for example via GPRS), we will use the minimum details, that
is the Access Point Name, for example “".

The basic XML file
The code
Here is a basic XML file, please read it.
Maybe it's not that funny, but it gives a very clear understanding of what is going on; each node will be
explained step by step.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE wap-provisioningdoc PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PROV 1.0//EN"
<wap-provisioningdoc version="1.0">
<!– Let's start the list of configurations–>
<!– This is the APN configuration –>
<characteristic type="NAPDEF">
<!– The connection ID is used internally in the configuration file –>
<parm name="NAPID" value="MyApnID"/>
<!– Connection type is GPRS –>
<parm name="BEARER" value="GSM-GPRS"/>
<!– The device will show this name for this configuration –>
<PARAM name="NAME" value="MyConnection"/>
<!– The basic APN configuration requires only the name –>
<parm name="NAP-ADDRESS" value=""/>
<!– We explicitely define the type of the address –>
<parm name="NAP-ADDRESS-TYPE" value="APN"/>
<!– The connection will be used for an internet web connection, not wap–>
<parm name="INTERNET" />
<!– This is the configuration for POP–>
<characteristic type="APPLICATION">
<!– The APPID defines the type of application using IANA port numbers, POP is 110 –>
<parm name="APPID" value="110"/>
<!– The name for this configuration–>
<parm name="NAME" value="Mail-IN"/>
<!– To run this application, this APN/NAPDEF will be used –>
<parm name="TO-NAPID" value="MyApnID"/>
<!– This is an ID to merge POP and SMTP configuration into one applicaton –>
<parm name="PROVIDER-ID" value="OurEmailConfiguration"/>
<!– Here is the POP3 server address –>
<characteristic type="APPADDR">
<parm name="ADDR" value=""/>

<!– The server listens on a port–>
<characteristic type="PORT">
<!– The port is 110–>
<parm name="PORTNBR" value="110"/>
<!– IANA service is mapped to port 110 –>
<parm name="SERVICE" value="110"/>
<!– Let's configure the credentials, Application Authentication–>
<characteristic type="APPAUTH">
<!– Authentication type for login –>
<parm name="AAUTHTYPE" value="LOGIN"/>
<!– My username –>
<parm name="AAUTHNAME" value="julien.buratto"/>
<!– My Password –>
<parm name="AAUTHSECRET" value=""/>
<!– Let's now configure the SMTP –>
<characteristic type="APPLICATION">
<!– A service to send emails normally uses port 25–>
<parm name="APPID" value="25"/>
<!– To run this application, this APN/NAPDEF will be used –>
<parm name="TO-NAPID" value="MyApnID"/>
<!– This will be the sender of emails –>
<parm name="FROM" value=""/>
<!– This is the name people will see in emails –>
<parm name="NAME" value="Mail-OUT"/>
<!– This binds together the IN and OUT email account –>
<parm name="PROVIDER-ID" value="OurEmailConfiguration"/>
<!– Let's now configure the server and its port–>
<characteristic type="APPADDR">
<!– SMTP server host –>
<parm name="ADDR" value=""/>
<!– SMTP server port –>
<characteristic type="PORT">
<parm name="PORTNBR" value="25"/>
<parm name="SERVICE" value="25"/>

<!– Let's now authenticate the SMTP connection –>
<characteristic type="APPAUTH">
<parm name="AAUTHTYPE" value="LOGIN"/>
<parm name="AAUTHNAME" value="julien.buratto"/>
<parm name="AAUTHSECRET" value=""/>
Explaining the code
Now lets go into the code.
If you read the XML text, you will notice a lot more things than what we expected, so here is the logic:
1. We define an access point (APN) with a NAPDEF (just mix up the letters “APN DEFinition" to get
NAPDEF) and we give it an ID called “MyApnID".
2. We define an “application" for the port 110 and we link it to the previously created APN using the
parameter TO-NAPID.
3. We define another “application" for the port 25 and we link it too to the same APN using the same
parameter TO-NAPID.
4. We link the 110 application (POP) with the 25 application (SMTP) in a single “application provider"
putting the same PROVIDER-ID called “OurEmailConfiguration" in both applications.
You have also noticed that each application has sub-characteristics.
These characteristics describe ADDRESSes, PORTs and AUTHentications for each service, that is the POP3
server address and port, the SMTP server address and port and for each one the username/password for it.
In the first article about binary SMS, we converted the XML file into WBXML by hand, checking the
documentation and converting each single TAG and character into its binary rappresentation.
This time, as the configuration is pretty long and could lead to confusion, we will introduce the use of a
LGPL library written in C which can be used to convert XML into WBXML.
I'm talking about which is under LGPL library.
Using the libwbxml library
The library is pretty easy to install; under linux you just download the library, untar the file and run “make
all" (please read INSTALL file if you encounter problems while compiling).
Once that you have finished compiling, you will have a pretty “xml2wbxml" and “wbxml2xml" files in the
tools directory.

So, just copy the XML into a text file called “ota_config.xml” and then use the xml2wbxml command to
create your binary file.
./xml2wbxml -o ota_config.wbxml ota_config.xml
The compiled WBXML file
Once that you get “xml2wbxml succeded” from the previous command, you will have a binary file called
ota_config.wbxml, please compare the orginal file to the compiled on.
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 459 2 dic 10:38 ota_config.wbxml
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 3404 2 dic 10:38 ota_config.xml
You can now understand why wbxml is so nice, the file has been converted into another file which is 7
times smaller.
How many SMS ?
As we will need to send UTF-8 chars, each SMS will allow 140 chars.
459 / 140 = 3.27 which make 4 SMS.
Prepare for the SMS gateway
In order to prepare this SMS to be sent to the sms gateway, we need to:
● Write the header of the SMS
● Convert the wbxml file into hex format
Write the User Data Header of the SMS
As described on the article “Binary SMS: sending rich content to devices using SMS”, the User Data Header
is something like “06 05 04 0B 84 23 F0” where 0B84 is the destination port for Wap Push, while 23F0 is the
source port.
In our case, the destination port is 15 7F while the source port can be 0000.
The User Data Header is then: 06 05 04 15 7F 00 00
Convert the wbxml file into hex rappresentation
In order to convert the wbxml into a hex rappresentation, you can create a file read and, for each byte,
convert it to its HEX code. A tipical example, using PHP is:
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$binary = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$hex=bin2hex($binary); // Convert each char into the HEX form
echo $hex.”\n”;
The result is something like:


Using a open source sms gateway – Kannel
Kannel is a open source project which aims to provide a WAP gateway for free.
Kannel can also be used to send sms messages with its “sms box”.
Explaining how to install and run Kannel is out of the scope of this article, but let's consider the simple “real
life example” where you already have a kannel installation working.
In order to sms a binary sms to kannel, you will need to submit an HTTP request to Kannel with this params:
● username and password for the kannel service
● sender and destination phone numbers
● text (the binary sms)
● udh (the user data header)
Compile the URL request
In order to pass the “020b6a…” hex rappresentation of the binary sms, you will need to add a % every 2
characters. So for example 02 should be %02 and 0b %0B and so on…
The udh will be: %06%05%04%15%7F%00%00
The Body
The body will be:

This version is different for the previous one because I used a different PHP script to convert the wbxml file
to a web compatible one. I used php function URLENCODE instead of BIN2HEX.
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$binary = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$hex=urlencode($binary); // Take the binary file and convert to Url compatible version
echo $hex."\n";
Kannel URL
At the end, the Kannel URL would be similar to:
sender=<sender phone number>&dest=<phone number of phone to configure>&udh=
1. OMA Client Provisioning V.1.1 – “Provisioning Content"
2. Nokia Series 40 Developer Platform 2.0: OMA Client Provisioning

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