Don’t forget the supine surfer

It's easy to be waylaid by the word "mobile" in "mobile web", to assume that the defining characteristic of mobile web surfer is the fact that they are out and about. Not always so! Sometimes, mobile = not at PC. Remember that "mobile web" often means the "consumed-on-mobile-device web" rather than the "out-and-about web". 

So don't forget the supine surfer, the too-lazy-to-get-up-from-couch surfer, the stuck-in-a-boring-meeting surfer, the sensitive-about-gambling-weakness surfer, the grounded-teenager-deprived-of-PC surfer, the sneek-a-peek-at-salacious-content surfer. 

Privacy and laziness beget many use cases for the mobile web, use cases that can be addressed, use cases that should not be ignored. 

the supine surfer

CC-licensed image from flickr

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