Tag Archives: Events

The 3rd Internet and Mobile Marketing Summit (August 25-26, 2009, Manila, Philippines): special offer for mobiThinking readers

The Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP) is offering mobiThinking readers a 15 percent discount for its third annual conference for online and mobile marketers...

Upcoming conferences and events for mobile marketers diaries – August, September, October 2009 (including special offers)

From Shanghai to San Diego and Manila to Berlin, this is mobiThinking’s pick of mobile conferences from around the world in the next few months...

The Thinking Mobile Conference (August 20, 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa): special offer for mobiThinking readers

With the FIFA World Cup coming to South Africa in 2009, there’s no better time for brands to go mobile. Read this Essential guide to World Cup to learn about the excellent opportunities this event offers to mobile marketers...

Upcoming conferences and events for mobile marketers diaries – summer and autumn 2009 (including special offers)

From Berlin to Shanghai to Johannesburg, this is mobiThinking’s pick of mobile conferences from around the world for the next few months...

Great deal on Mobile Advertising event (June 15 2009, London, UK): mobiThinking readers get one-third off entry price

Mobile Advertising UK is offering a £100 discount on the entry fee for the London conference next week. Be the first to hear the latest consumer research on mobile advertising and Campaign of the Year 2009...

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