Tag Archives: Responsive Design

Responsive Breakpoints

How to choose media query breakpoints to best support all connected devices

Håkon Wium Lie first sketched out media queries in his initial CSS proposal in 1994. Unfortunately, we had to wait another 8 years till it became a recommended W3C standard in June 2012. When browsers started to widely support media queries, we thought that all our problems were solved. We had the solution to the evolving...

WAP to the future

Mobile web: back to the future

In the early days of the mobile web, way back in the late late nineties and early noughties, there was only one technique available to publish web pages to mobile devices: bespoke mobile content. There was simply no way that desktop-focused content could be made to work unaltered on the mobile devices of the time, which...

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Adaptive web design dominates in the web’s top brands

Five years ago we ran an analysis of how the web’s top brands delivered web content to mobile. We found that 82% of the Alexa 100 used Adaptive Web Design (AWD, or server-side adaptation) in their websites to cater to different device classes. Since we ran this analysis RWD has become decidedly mainstream, an indispensable...

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test: can a Spruce Goose really fly?

There has been a lot written recently about Google's mobile-friendly search algorithm update, starting first with SEO expert blogs, and ending up being covered by mainstream media sites. The update promised to penalise sites for not being mobile-friendly...

Understanding web page weight

Page weight is the gravity of the web—a relentless downwards drag, ever present and utterly unavoidable. Understanding it is a critical aspect of a successful web strategy. We’ll be doing a series of articles on page weight covering background, measurement and reduction. In this article, part I of the series, we’ll talk about the importance of page weight...

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