DeviceAtlas 2.0 PREVIEW

Back in June we announced the launch of TA-DA, our own test suite for mobile devices. We followed up with a little tutorial.

Despite the summer, the sun and everything else (ok, alright, there is not much sun in Ireland, but we DO go on vacation sometimes) we worked hard in the last couple of months and in fact we are ready to release yet another improvement to DeviceAtlas. Today we are opening TA-DA to all our users, so everyone is now welcome to visit and test his device. We think this is a core component of DeviceAtlas, it is the centerpiece of a proper device data collection, so we would like to see many users every day testing their devices.

We have also applied a few changes to the interface, in fact, you may now see the user-agent strings associated to each device. This was asked SO many times that I stopped counting. Also, if you click on a property you will see the usual pop-up with the details of the source of information, if you see a little icon with a man and phone, that is data coming from TA-DA, if you see a man with a keyboard, that is information provided via web browser. There are a few more details that I won’t go down to describe here, but I think they’ll make the navigation in general easier.

We are updating the online documentation and FAQ, so you should see it popping up in the next day or two.

This is officially the first part of our 2.0 approach to device databases. We all know what 2.0 means, there has been enough reading, so get ready to contribute and be part of DeviceAtlas: let’s get writing!

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This is a website of DeviceAtlas Limited, a private company limited by shares, incorporated and registered in the Republic of Ireland with registered number 398040 and registered office at 6th Floor, 2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland