Tag Archives: Best Practices
Toast to the iPhone: a must-see beer app
March 18, 2009, by mobiThinking
mobiThinking was privy to a mouthwatering mobile application from Cobra beer. It’s a beer brewed in the Indian style for the European drinker, with a cutting-edge promotion to woo the upwardly-mobile drinker... Read More
Number crunching: USA is number one in mobile Web surfing or is it?
March 16, 2009, by mobiThinking
The US was crowned top country for mobile Internet browsing last week by the press, as mobile analytics company Bango released its latest figures, overtaking the UK. But can we say with certainty that the US is number one and UK is number two?... Read More
Mobile Social Networking Forum conference (London): discount for mobiThinking readers
March 5, 2009, by mobiThinking
mobiThinking readers will receive a 15 percent discount for the Mobile Social Networking Forum conference, at London’s Olympia Conference Centre, March 9 and 10, 2009... Read More
What no links? How the Oscars, film distributors and news sites are all at sea over mobile
March 2, 2009, by mobiThinking
mobiThinking has been on an Oscars-inspired trip to the movies. There are some excellent mobile tools for movie lovers – reviews and trailers that helped us decide what to see, even sites that told us where the film was playing locally and allowed us to book seats. The frustrating thing is it took hours. Hours spent trawling through mobile search and directory sites… and the daft thing is we shouldn’t need to do it... Read More
What do we want? Metrics from mobile sites. When do we want them? Yesterday.
February 17, 2009, by mobiThinking
It’s odd to want to make the mobile Web more like the PC Web, but when it comes to media metrics, that’s what mobile marketers are clambering for. The latest GSMA initiative suggests someone’s starting to listen. Media buyers want to know what they’re buying into – statistics about a site, its visitors, their demographics and behavior. Fair enough, it’s what they get from a PC Web site, so why not from a mobile site?... Read More