

Latest Articles by atrasatti

DeviceAtlas 1.1 now with Argogroup data

A new major DeviceAtlas release is now ready for usage. Version 1.1 includes data from Argogroup adding information to more than 650 devices and more than 100 new devices. Despite the date, this is not a joke, we have just released a new update for DeviceAtlas and for our JSON file, of course. Today's update includes improvements to the web site, but most of all makes available information from our partners at Argogroup adding great value and trust to our database...

DeviceAtlas version 1.0.2

Updates keep flowing to the production server as we add new features to the database and to the web interface. Today we have released a few updates that you can see on our website. A lot have asked for more detailed information about properties and while we thought most names would be self-explanatory it is always good to have a quick handbook to look at...

DeviceAtlas tutorial for PHP

We've just published the first tutorial that explains how to use the DeviceAtlas API in your applications. We open our "tutorials section" with PHP basic integration and of course Java and .NET will follow shortly. Remember that the different API's are very consistent (respecting language syntax and coding standards, of course) so it should be possible to take inspiration from the PHP tutorial and apply it to other languages...


A few minor issues were reported in the purchase process so we decided to release a quick fix. I have also updated the official changelog, but let me explain a few new things that we just added. Users are now allowed to edit the shipping address, so if you need to change or update it, you can do it from your user's homepage in DeviceAtlas. VAT number is now also stored as part of your address, so you can edit from the same page...

DeviceAtlas version 1.0.1

Today we have released a minor update for DeviceAtlas. It was a quick release, but we wanted to provide updates immediately. You can see the changelog on the official site. If you had downloaded the API we strongly suggest that you update to the latest version. Also make sure you download the latest JSON file from the internal link "My Licences" (available only if you have purchased a commercial licence or the developer licence)...

DeviceAtlas is now officially accessible

Today we are announcing DeviceAtlas which is the result of many months of work here at dotMobi. It all officially started in June 2007, but the plan within the company had already started quite a few months earlier. It has been a real team work, Jo Rabin and I worked actively in the W3C DDWG to make sure there would be a Core Vocabulary and a Simple API...

2007 presentations round up

During 2007 I had the fun and honor of presenting at quite a few events around Europe. I already spoke about a few of them and most presentations have already been provided on the appropriate sites. Anyway I wanted to have a single place to collect my presentations, so thanks to Giulio (A.K.A. giulivo) I have a directory on our company site...

“The truth about mobile web standards” at Future of Mobile

On 14 November 2007 I went to London to make a presentation at the event called Future of Mobile organised by Carsonified...

Progresses of the W3C DDWG Core Vocabulary

I'm pleased to say that the work we're doing in the W3C to agree on a Core Vocabulary has made substantial progress and we're seeing the end of the tunnel for an initial release. The Vocabulary has followed a lightweight process that involved mainly 3 steps, the submission via a web form, the discussion by the group about every submitted property and eventually the inclusion in the vocabulary document...

dotMobi’s device database at Mobile Monday London

Last Monday (8 Oct 2007) I had a chance to present our device database initiative at the Mobile Monday event in London. It has been a great chance for me to introduce our product and our vision to a large number of companies that are very interested in the topic and certainly have a view on it given their day-to-day experience with fragmentation in the mobile space...

Other Products

Market leading device intelligence for the web, app and MNO ecosystems
DeviceAtlas - Device Intelligence

Real-time identification of fraudulent and misrepresented traffic
DeviceAssure - Device Verification

A free tool for developers, designers and marketers to test website performance
mobiReady - Evaluate your websites’ mobile readiness

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This is a website of DeviceAtlas Limited, a private company limited by shares, incorporated and registered in the Republic of Ireland with registered number 398040 and registered office at 6th Floor, 2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland