Tag Archives: Best Practices
Fixit – Empty Image
January 14, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page has any empty image tags (image tags with no 'src' attribute or an empty 'src' attribute). Leaving image tags empty require processing that is ultimately wasted. When image tags need to be dynamically created this should happen with JavaScript programming... Read More
Fixit – GZip Encoding
January 14, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page is transferred using GZip encoding. GZip encoding, or compression, reduces the data being sent and this speeds up the transfer time considerably. Where possible all web assets should use GZip encoding for transmission... Read More
Fixit – Stylesheet Placement
January 14, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page has Stylesheet includes in inappropriate places. Grouping Stylesheet includes together in the head of the page markup is optimal for page load. Due to the HTTP specification putting Stylesheet includes elsewhere in the page, at the bottom for instance, will result in the design loading blocking while the Stylesheets are downloaded... Read More
Fixit – Javascript Placement
January 9, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page has Javascript includes in inappropriate places. Grouping Javascript includes together at the end of the page markup is optimal for page load. Due to the HTTP specification putting Javascript includes elsewhere in the page, at the top for instance, will result in loading blocking while the Javascript files are downloaded... Read More
Fixit – CSS Expression
January 9, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page makes use of the CSS expression directive. The expession directive encapsulates Javascript code into CSS rules, effectively mixing styling data with functional logic. This is considered bad practice as they will affect page load time. But these Javascript expressions will also be re-evaluated when the user scrolls or interacts with the page... Read More