Mobile sites and responsive design: download a free chapter from the excellent new mobile marketing book by Daniel Rowles

“Let’s make something clear from the outset; you need a mobile-optimized site. That doesn’t mean your site happens to work on mobile devices. It means the user journey via mobile has been carefully considered and you offer the optimal experience via mobile devices.” Daniel Rowles.

mobiThinking’s brief review

Daniel Rowles’ new book Mobile Marketing: How mobile technology is revolutionizing marketing, communications and advertising (Kogan Page, November 2013 RRP UK £19.99; US $24.95), is a very useful and a surprisingly compelling read. All the theories and terminology of mobile marketing are articulated succinctly. There are lots of interesting statistics and case studies from around the world – plenty that were new to mobiThinking. The tools section was particularly interesting – it works through mobile/responsive sites, apps, social media (made loads of notes here), mobile search, both SEO and paid, mobile ads, messaging, analytics and so on. All these are interspersed with interesting asides and box-outs, for example, there’s useful section on questions to ask a potential mobile agency, in the chapter on mobile apps.

The book gives you a valuable big picture across the vast subject of mobile marketing. You won’t agree with it all, you may already know some of it, but you will learn a lot from it. It’s not a blueprint for your mobile strategy, but should stop you wasting your money on a whimsical vanity project. What distinguishes it from other mobile marketing books is that it is written by a practitioner and educator who clearly knows his stuff, but who can also write in an engaging fashion.

Free chapter: exclusive offer for mobiThinking readers

But why take mobiThinking’s word for it, when you can try out a chapter (or the majority of a chapter – we left out a tutorial in the middle) for yourself?
Download the PDF version, to read the excerpt, with illustrations and nice formatting:
• Mobile sites and responsive design: PDF
Or if you prefer a text/html version then proceed to:
• Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 1
• Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 2

Readers outside Europe can buy the book from (which at the time of writing was offering the book at a discount).

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