Why HTML5 still presents some problems on mobile

One of the debates of 2013 centres on which approach you should adopt to deliver a great user experience, while keeping costs at an acceptable level. This question often gets parsed as [i]“HTML5 or native applications?”[/i] or [i]“HTML or mobile site builders”[/i] or even something else entirely. But with all the vaunted promise of HTML5, just what does that ‘5’ mean when it comes to real world deployments?

Let’s start by recalling what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said last September in an interview at [url=http://mashable.com/2012/09/11/html5-biggest-mistake/]TechCrunch Disrupt[/url]: [i]”The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native. It just wasn’t ready”[/i]. And that’s the point: HTML5 as a standard is not ready yet and has a long way to go before becoming a real and useful standard.

Undoubtedly there are differences between HTML5 and HTML4 from a technical point of view (take a look at [url=http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/]W3C specs[/url] and also at [url=http://youtu.be/sgdZuyx8B6k]this video[/url]). First of all no more frame, frameset and noframes and no more acronym, applet, strike and other elements because everything can be handled through CSS making coding much cleaner. Among the new tags for creating a web page in HTML5 we find the following “new entries”:





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