Future of Mobile: permission

What is the Future of Mobile? Well from what mobiThinking heard at the conference of the same name in London yesterday, it sounds like it should be permission-led, whatever it is. An interesting critique of the bustling world where location-based services and social networking meet on the mobile, by serial entrepreneur Andrew Scott, was underlined by his belief that successful mobile web has to be opt-in...

Mobile Device UI trends

I was reading on Techcrunch a rumor about the new UI design for Windows Mobile 6.5. See the article, Rumor: Windows Mobile 6.5 screenshot shenanigans. I quickly followed up with a blog post on my personal blog, Windows Mobile 6.5 and Zumobi, but while that writing that quick post made me think about the new UIs and trends in mobile devices...

Drupal Ireland Meetup – 2008

On Saturday 15th November I, along with Andrea, Ruadhan and over 70 (yes you read that right, over SEVENTY) other Irish Drupalers rolled over to DIT Kevins Street for a spot of Drupal-centric discussion and joviality...

Your favorite mobile app – only two days to say ‘thank you!’

The 2nd Annual Open Web Awards are currently accepting nominations in a wide range of categories, including, of course, the Mobile Application category. Now would be a great time to reward those responsible creating your favorite mobile app. But be quick, nominations are only open for another 2 days (until Sunday 16th 11:59 pm PST)...

The MMA Awards, new stats and the presidents swansong

It’s the big shindig for the Mobile Marketing Association in San Diego, US, today. It is also the swan song of outgoing MMA president Laura Marrott. Reading Laura’s in depth interview with mobiThinking brings home just how much the MMA and mobile marketing has come on during her three-and-a-half year tenure. 200,000 air miles a year… that really is above and beyond the call of duty. Laura’s successor – whoever that might be – has big boots to fill...

Laura Marriott: The mobiThinking interview

Laura Marriott presides over her last Mobile Marketing Forum and Award ceremony in San Diego this week. Under her stewardship the Marketing Association (MMA) has grown from under 50 corporate members to over 700. She’s clocked more than 200,000 air miles a year, so when the MMA find a successor, she plans to take a holiday from flying and redress her work/life balance. mobiThinking asks Laura to reflect on how things have changed during her three-and-a-half-year tenure as president of the Marketing Association (MMA)...

Mobile Web Design: Getting to the Point – Part II

Following on from part I, I want to put into practice the principles that I isolated by looking at GMail, Twitter and Facebook. I’ll apply the principles to one of the most common of web applications: the online store. I want to look at three typical online store pages and then go through some ideas about how best to apply mobile web design principles to the pages. I'll go through the process of building the site from the ground up... from simple sketches through wireframing and the final design...

Obama mobi mania

mobiThinking has been reading the first wave of coverage of Barack Obama’s use of mobile in his White House campaign. The publicity should be great news for the mobile marketing business. See: A victory for Obama, a victory for mobile...

Named and shamed: big sites that look bad on mobile

Bango took a look at the 20 busiest PC sites using common mobiles from the UK and US and in 10 cases they didn’t like what they found. These included cheer leaders for the mobile web...

DeviceAtlas 2.1

DeviceAtlas 2.1 brings some VERY exciting features that kept us awake during the last few nights and we hope that the results will also keep you awake at night looking at how you can improve your mobile sites and contents. First the less exciting part, we have made the signup process for Developer licences much easier, now all that is required is to accept the EULA and you're on. We REALLY want everyone to get a licence and get started. We have also streamlined some other portions of the purchase process and we hope this will make the navigation easier for you...

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