Search Results for: touch screen

How to create an award-winning mobile campaign

When it comes to industry awards mobile marketers are spoilt for choice: MMA Global Awards, Cannes Lions, Webbies, Meffys, GSMA, EMMAs, Smaato (see the mobiThinking guide to mobile industry awards for full details on each). So we asked the experts for their opinions on the DNA of successful and award-winning campaigns. So why should you want to win an award?...

The insiders guide to mobile Web marketing in India

In India mobile phones now outnumber landlines 14:1 and are used by about 45 percent of the population. The sparseness of landlines, particularly in rural areas, coupled with the expense of PCs, has kept Internet use very low, with less than 6 percent of Indians (age 12 or above) accessing the Internet once a month. Sandy Agarwal, the author of this guide, believes that mobile will help to bridge the digital divide, becoming the obvious channel for Indians to access information-based services essential for their work and education, as well as providing entertainment...

A Guide to Mobile Emulators

In a previous article, I put forward a three-point plan for testing mobile Web sites. One of the points involved the use of emulators for first-pass device testing. This article concentrates on configuring emulators for mobile site testing (it also highlights emulators that can be used to test mobile applications too). It outlines the different types of emulator available, the best ones to use, and the various ways in which they can be used. For the uninitiated, an emulator is a software program that aims to replicate the functions of a specific piece of hardware or software...

Mike Wehrs: the mobiThinking interview

With more than 700 members in 40 countries, the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has ridden the wave of enthusiasm for all things mobile. Now as the world economy teeters on the brink of global depression, the business now looks to the president and CEO – new to the job this year – to keep mobile marketing on every brand’s agenda...

Deploying iPhone Apps to Real Devices

In our previous article on getting started with iPhone development, you learnt how to use the iPhone SDK provided by Apple to develop your first iPhone application. For testing purposes, you used the iPhone Simulator, provided as part of the iPhone SDK. While the iPhone Simulator is a very handy tool that allows you to test your iPhone applications without needing a real device, nothing beats testing on a real device...

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