Tag Archives: Best Practices

Future of Mobile: permission

What is the Future of Mobile? Well from what mobiThinking heard at the conference of the same name in London yesterday, it sounds like it should be permission-led, whatever it is. An interesting critique of the bustling world where location-based services and social networking meet on the mobile, by serial entrepreneur Andrew Scott, was underlined by his belief that successful mobile web has to be opt-in...

It’s Open if We Tell You It Is

I'd like to come back to a topic that I touched on a few months ago: open. In case you weren't paying attention to CTIA in San Francisco last month (and I won't fault you if you weren't), you may have missed the clarification that the major operators in the States provided to the definition of an ‘open’ network. Sitting together on a stage the bigwigs from Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile each found ways to describe why an 'open' network is not really what the end user wants. Given some of what was said, it's a wonder that any of us are ever able to get apps out there at all...

The Google Phone Cometh (so what)?

Last week saw the announcement of the first Android based device, the HTC Dream better known now as the T-Mobile G1. Despite the fact that this phone is based on on Open Source platform, the details as they have been released, make it feel very much like any other smartphone that Joe Consumer can go purchase from his operator. It's locked to T-Mobile USA at launch and will find its way into the UK in November before it conquers the world in 2009. Now the real question: So what?...

Mobile Internet Usage & Attitudes Study

AKQA Mobile, the mobile division of the global independent creative agency and dotMobi, announced the results of an extensive consumer study of mobile Internet usage and attitudes. Conducted by the AKQA's Research & Insights department in conjunction with dotMobi, the survey reveals key insights into the importance of a better mobile Web for consumers in the U.S. and U.K...

Discovery: on-deck or off?

For mobile content players, discovery is the big challenge. How do you get people to experience your .mobi for the first time? Do you get your content on to the operator’s portals (‘on deck’)? Do you go direct, and help people to find and enter your URL on their own (‘off deck’)? A combination of both? An informal survey among the mobirati indicates that the US market is about 30% off-deck and 70% on-deck while the European market is the reverse. Any thoughts about why this should be the case are welcome...

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