Tag Archives: Browsers

Handset Market Share Data (why it matters)

With Mobile World Congress and CTIA now behind us, it's difficult to not get hot bothered and drooly about what new handsets are going to be on the market. Don't get me wrong, hot, new, fully functional and super sexy are all good things to have in a handset, especially in these otherwise gloomy times. However, as a developer it's important to remember to not get too carried away in the excitement, and here's why. The handset sales figures for November and December in the US were recently released, and a look at them reveals something telling for how one might (or might not) target content development...

Kind of a “sunshine transcoder story”

I guess many of you have been following discussions on various attempts by network operators to transcode desktop web sites and squeeze them on to a mobile device, without respecting the intentions of content owners. The case I'll be talking about is the TeliaSonera case, and their "SurfOpen" service. First time around, the launch caused an uprising among the content owners forcing TeliaSonera to go offline with SurfOpen. Now SurfOpen is launched again with a more reasonable approach...

Effective Design for Multiple Screen Sizes

So you're a designer and have been tasked with the design of a mobile web site. Chances are, unless you're designing for only one device you're quickly going to be faced with a common problem experienced by designers who work with mobile devices; figuring out what screen size to actually design for. For instance:...

DeviceAtlas Data Explorer filtered by year of release

About 2 weeks ago we introduced something that we thought was very exciting, a new way to visualise data in DeviceAtlas, we called it Data Explorer. If you missed it, you can watch a screencast that explains how it works and gives a few ideas of what you can do, see Introducing the new DeviceAtlas Data Explorer...

It’s Open if We Tell You It Is

I'd like to come back to a topic that I touched on a few months ago: open. In case you weren't paying attention to CTIA in San Francisco last month (and I won't fault you if you weren't), you may have missed the clarification that the major operators in the States provided to the definition of an ‘open’ network. Sitting together on a stage the bigwigs from Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile each found ways to describe why an 'open' network is not really what the end user wants. Given some of what was said, it's a wonder that any of us are ever able to get apps out there at all...

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Market leading device intelligence for the web, app and MNO ecosystems
DeviceAtlas - Device Intelligence

Real-time identification of fraudulent and misrepresented traffic
DeviceAssure - Device Verification

A free tool for developers, designers and marketers to test website performance
mobiReady - Evaluate your websites’ mobile readiness

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