Fixit – Page size limit

This test determines how large your page is. There are two contributing factors to the outcome of this test:

  • the size of the page markup itself, and
  • the total size including markup plus all external stylesheets, images, objects and any other resources that might be referenced by your document.

Page size limits

Following the W3C mobile web best practices, the size of the page markup should not be greater than 10kB, and the total page size including all resources should not be greater than 20kB

If you received an error message similar to the one below:

 FAIL near line 18, col 8
The size of page markup is 28921 bytes

then the size of your markup is greater than 10k and is causing the test to fail.

If you received an error message similar to this:

 FAIL near line 18, col 8
The total download size for this page is 328938 bytes

then the total page size including external resources is causing the test to fail.

To remedy this, you should ensure that all images have been optimised, and that no unnecessary resources have been included in the page (such as unused stylesheets). You may also wish to check that excessive white-space, and comments are not included in your markup.



This test is based on a W3C mobileOK best practice test. See for more details


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