Design & Development
Rethinking the CMS in the Mobile Era
May 14, 2014, by mark.anderson
One of the overlooked heroes of the web is the Content Management System, or CMS. The very early days of web authoring produced the concept of the CMS. A new application type used to curate online information in powerful and intuitive ways... Read More
Fixit – Viewport meta tag
March 21, 2014, by mark.anderson
This test determines if your page has a viewport meta tag in the header. The viewport meta tag lets you modify the virtual viewport applied to the page and to target those modifications to particular viewport sizes. In effect, it instructs the browser when and how to zoom a page to achieve optimal rendering. Better rending within the browser improves user experience and allows webpages to dynamically adjust to different device types... Read More
Building HTML5 games for Firefox OS
Building HTML5 games for Firefox OS is basically the same as building for the web itself, because Firefox OS itself is built using web technologies. These are relatively new topics, and are which are gaining much traction in the press. With many companies interested in jumping in on these technologies, now's a good time to get involved... Read More
HTML5 for the Mobile Web: Canvas
February 12, 2014, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
Next up in our HTML5 for Mobile Web series is the canvas element. Canvas is particularly interesting since it facilitates the use of graphics without the need for any plugins or other technologies other than JavaScript and CSS... Read More
HTML5 Canvas Meme Generator
February 12, 2014, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
In this article we pull together some of the things we learned in our HTML5 canvas tutorial to build a simple HTML5 meme-generator web-app. First we present the app, and after we detail how it was built. So, here it is - load an image below, manipulate it, add some text, and download or save and share!... Read More