Service worker toolkits and libraries

Overwhelmed by service workers? Here’s a collection of tools and libraries that will help tame this powerful beast!


Offline-first, fast, with the sw-precache module is the tagline of the Google-built sw-precache library. It’s a module that integrates with your gulp or Grunt build process: sw-precache will generate a list of versioned resources for you, as well as a service worker that will cache and serve these resources.

If you’re using gulp or Grunt, then sw-precache is a no-brainer! But even if you’re not, there’s a command line interface for sw-precache that you can use instead.

sw-precache example usage

The gulp task code below will generate a service worker that caches all images, JavaScript, HTML and CSS files.

You now have a gulp task that you can run with:

$ gulp generate-service-worker

If you don’t use gulp or Grunt, you can use the command line interface. To cache just HTML files, for example, you would use:

$ sw-precache –root=dist –static-file-globs=’dist/*/.html’


The Service Worker Toolbox, also known as sw-toolbox, is another library from Google that offers a variety of wrappers for simplifying the most common service worker tasks such as:

  • Service worker registration
  • URL request routing and routing patterns
  • Bult-in network strategy/caching request handlers: The most common network strategies are available as built-in request handlers, and include
    • toolbox.networkFirst
    • toolbox.cacheFirst
    • toolbox.fastest
    • toolbox.cacheOnly
    • toolbox.networkOnly
  • Precaching

These are all powerful features, but can be tricky to implement correctly by hand.

sw-toolbox example usage

To include the toolbox in your service worker, simply use importScript:

You can register service workers in the usual way, or with an HTML include:

There is strong support for routing, the mapping of URL requests and methods to handlers. The example below shows basic routing, with a URL being mapped to the built-in toolbox.networkFirst handler.

Regular expression routes, and Express-style routes are also supported. For example, an Express-style route might look something like this, with :foo being auto-populated in the handler:

Polymer platinum-sw

The Polymer library has a set of elements, the platinum elements, which help turn your web page into a true webapp. The platinum-sw bundle contains service worker helper elements which abstract common service worker tasks.

The bundled elements are:

  • platinum-sw-import-script: used to import a JavaScript file that is executed each time the service worker starts up.
  • platinum-sw-fetch: creates custom fetch event handlers for given URL patterns to intercept network requests and provide custom response handling
  • platinum-sw-cache: can precache specific resources, perform runtime caching, and serve your cached resources when a network is unavailable.
  • platinum-sw-offline-analytics: intercepts Google Analytics pings, so that analytics data can be collected even when offline. Data will be sent to Google when a network connection becomes available
  • platinum-sw-register: registers a service worker, handling various options, such as skip-waiting and clients-claim

platinum-sw example usage

Polymer code to show how to register and set up a custom fetch handler might look like this. Note that promise handling with respect to registration options is managed for you:

The Polymer service worker elements are built on top of the sw-toolbox library mentioned earlier.

The Service Worker Cookbook

Not a library as such, Mozilla’s Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of service worker recipes, organised by difficulty level (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced), and category (General, Offline, Beyond Offline, Performance, and Web Push). Each recipe contains a live demo, code for the webpage (index.js), code for the service worker (service-worker.js), and, if needed, code for the server (server.js).

Recipes include some of the most common service worker use cases, such as caching and offline patterns, as well as several web push notification patterns, an API analytics, and load balancer demos.

Service worker cookbook


UpUp is an open source project that builds on service workers to provide an easy-to-use API for providing offline content. UpUp detects when the network is not available, and delivers offline content instead. To use it, you need to add its two files to your website, upup.min.js and upup.sw.min.js. Then all that’s left is to declare which resources should be available offline.

UpUp example usage

After adding the two files mentioned above, you need to specify what resources should be available offline, using the UpUp.start method. The most simple use case is to show a simple offline page, instead the browser’s default offline page:

As the library’s developer points out, there is nothing stopping you from developing rich offline experiences, even tailored for individual users, or making use of a framework to deliver its experience:

Offline Plugin for webpack

This plugin integrates with webpack to provide offline experiences using service workers with appcache fallback. It provides a rich set of configuration options to tweak what should be cached, how things should be cached, as well as scoping, and cache invalidation strategies.

Offline plugin for webpack example usage

To use this plugin, you first instantiate and set some options in your webpack.config

Then you include and install in your client script with the following:

If you know of a library or service that we’ve left out, let us know and we’ll add it!

Image credit: Don DeBold
Updated 2016/03/09 to include Offline-plugin for webpack

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