Tag Archives: service workers

tiny pwa

PWA Minimus: A minimal PWA checklist

Now that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are supported on all major browsers, and are becoming first-class installable citizens on mobile and desktop platforms alike, and with the launch of Google’s PWA .app domain, we thought it would be useful to outline a PWA checklist to meet the minimum requirements of a PWA. The result is...

Service worker cog

Safari service workers and other PWA good news stories

It’s been a while since we’ve checked in on the state of Progressive Web Apps, there’s much to talk about. Here’s a whirlwind update of the major PWA news over the past few months. 1. Service workers support in Safari Probably the biggest news in PWA land is that during August the status of Service...

Caching with service workers

Caching with service workers, the easy way

Caching is one (just one) of the things that service workers do really well. A good caching policy enables your web app to do some pretty cool things, like serving almost instantaneous responses, smoothing over patchy network connections, and even providing offline functionality. With the right caching you can banish 404 response pages to the...

Service worker toolkitd

Service worker toolkits and libraries

Overwhelmed by service workers? Here’s a collection of tools and libraries that will help tame this powerful beast!...

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