Tag Archives: Geolocation
Location in iPhone Web Apps
January 26, 2010, by weimenglee
One of the key limitations of developing Web applications for iPhone is that you are not allowed to access the hardware on the device via the Web browser. For example, you cannot access the camera on the iPhone; neither can you access the accelerometer. This seriously limits the kinds of applications you can develop on the iPhone. One notable exception, however, is the support for tracking the location of devices, through a combination of GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular triangulation... Read More
Location, Location, Location
June 7, 2009, by jonarne
Location based services (LBS) has been a buzz word and a hype since birth of mobile services. I'm not saying that it is a failure!... Read More
Using Google Maps in Android
April 6, 2009, by weimenglee
Google Maps is one of the many applications bundled with the Android platform. In addition to simply using the Maps application, you can also embed it into your own applications and make it do some very cool things. In this article, I will show you how to use Google Maps in your Android applications and how to programmatically perform the following: Change the views of Google Maps Obtain the latitude and longitude of locations in Google Maps Perform geocoding and reverse geocoding Add markers to Google Maps... Read More
Developing Location Based Services: Introducing the Location API for J2ME
December 19, 2008, by nicogoeminne
Many mobile phones today support the Location API for J2ME under JSR-179. Using the location API, you can easily develop useful location based mobile Java applications. In this article, we demonstrate how to develop and test a mobile location based client server application using JSR-179, servlets and Google Maps... Read More
Using OpenCellID cell information in a mapping application
October 21, 2008, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
We've just published part II of our OpenCellID feature. This time we look at making use of the OpenCellID positioning information introduced in the first part, and using it to display a device's location on an open source map, with a result similar to the Google Maps "MyLocation" feature. Thanks to Thomas Landspurg for this great contribution... Read More