The best of breakingdevelopment conference

As many of you know, the breakingdevelopment conference took place in Nashville, Tennessee over the last few days. It appears to have been a really seminal conference with 13 leading mobile web developers speaking.

Others have already put together summaries of the conference but I thought I’d link to what I thought were the most interest presentations.

As always, Stephanie Rieger of Yiibu gave a fantastic presentation, this time on the importance of device adaptation, and an impassioned plea to not ignore users who don’t have the latest smartphone. Her presentation is Adaptation: why responsive design actually begins on the server. In this presentation Stephanie makes a compelling case for the role of server-side adaptation before you send anything to the browser, and we couldn’t agree more with this approach.

Jason Grigs of Cloud Four tackled the tricky subject of mobile context and talks about mobile as the 7th mass media in his beautiful presentation Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles

Maximiliano Firtman announced his very useful looking new project, a continuously updated table of the HTML5 capabilities of smartphone browsers

For other information about the conference the best way to find it is to search Twitter for #bdconf.

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