Global mobile statistics 2012 Part D: Consumer mobile behavior


QR codes and mobile Web bringing publishing into the 21st century

There’s a common misconception that print publishing and mobile are unhappy bedfellows. But there is much more to this than print versus e-books. Forward-looking publisher, Atria Books is using quick-response codes and mobile Web to enhance books and giving away free e-books to promote newly published books...

The role of mobile in publishing – friend or foe? Interview with Judith Curr, Atria Books

By adding mobile barcodes within books, Atria Books provides readers with extra content via the mobile Web – not just marketing materials, but useful and interesting content, be that text, video, music or any other multimedia content the author/publisher wishes to include...

Global mobile statistics 2012 Part C: Mobile marketing, advertising and messaging


Safaricom M-PESA – a lesson in how operators, if not all companies, can build a mobile business centered on essential services

Safaricom’s mobile money service M-PESA has – rightfully – received international recognition for its efforts in bringing essential financial services to people without bank accounts. What is less well-known is that Safaricom also makes a good income from the service – 16 percent of revenue and rising fast. Operators the world over should take note. In fact, all companies that are developing mobile services should take note...

Carnival of the Mobilists #271 goes OTT with the best mobile blogs on VOIP, IM, handsets, icons, m-retail and app stores galore

Welcome to the Carnival of the Mobilists. This week mobiThinking hosts the itinerant round up of the best mobile blogs of the week. This week’s eclectic mix covers over-the-top (OTT) services (e.g. VOIP, IM, social media); iconic or irrelevant icons (those little clickable images on your home screen); iPhone wannabes v handset innovation; Pintrest for mobile marketers; device detection and m-commerce; and 70+ app stores. OTT providers v Operators...

China passes 1 billion mobile subscribers, passes 400 million mobile Web users and overtakes US as worlds top smartphone market

Four massive landmarks underscore the importance – as though we didn’t know – of China as the world’s top mobile market. First, China now has more than 1 billion mobile subscribers (India isn’t far behind) – that’s more than three times the US. Second, China now has more than 150 million 3G users. These are the sum of subscriber stats from the three main Chinese operators. Third, China has more than 400 million mobile Internet users (i.e. more than there are mobile subscribers in the US), according to Analysys International...

The Webby Awards 2012: the award-winning mobile campaigns with case studies and videos

Update (May 2013): The 2013 winners of the Webbys are here. Congratulations Webby winners, if you haven’t already, please send a summary of your winning entry, including evidence of success, and links to your case studies/videos and award entry to editor (at) Awards: The Webby Awards a.k.a. The Webbys. Founded: 1996, mobile category started in 2007...

Wow a competition promoting Web apps – and from a handset manufacturer – how times are a changing

As part of its “Connecting the next billion” initiative, Nokia is running a competition where developers can enter their Web apps (as many as they like) – yes that’s web-based mobile apps – for a chance to win mobile handsets and get your app published and promoted in the Nokia Store...

The mobiThinking guide to mobile advertising networks 2013: Affiliate/CPA networks


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