mobiThinking guide to mobile agencies: The Hyperfactory

• Next agency profile: Mobext • All profiled agencies: Guide home The Hyperfactory: in brief Type of agency: full service. Founded: 2001 in Auckland, New Zealand. Acquisitions: Acquired by Meredith Corporation in 2010. Main offices: New York, USA (HQ); Hyderabad, India...

Mobile ad expenditure expected to quadruple by 2016: eMarketer

US marketers are expected to spend more on mobile advertising in 2012 than those in Japan, according to predictions by eMarketer. In 2012, the big spenders in mobile advertising are expected to US, Japan, UK, South Korea and Germany. Most astonishing forecast is that that by 2016 US marketers are expected to spend more on mobile ads than all of Asia Pacific or Western Europe put together. Estimates include both mobile display and mobile search – unfortunately these are not split out...

Confessions of a Cannes Mobile Lions jury member – essential reading for all prospective awards entrants

2012 was the first year that the international advertising awards Cannes Lions had a mobile category. You can see all the award-winners with case studies here. The mobile entries were judged by 12 jurors – one of those, Leo Xavier, CEO of Brazilian mobile agency Grupo.Mobi (read the agency profile) shares the experience with mobiThinking...

Video interviews on future of mobile with mobile experts from MLove 2012

Here is a video montage of interviews with the speakers at the recent MLove Conference in Germany. It’s a stylish promo from the organizers, but is well worth a watch. There are some insightful soundbites and thought-provoking comments from some of the cleverest people in the business. Take this quote from Jonathan McDonald of This Fluid World, for example:...

The Rise of Mobile – infographic

This Infographic was created by Trinity Digital Marketing using stats from mobiThinking’s mobile stats compendium...

Cannes Mobile Lions 2012 – scrutinizing the numbers of entries and winners

mobiThinking’s unhealthy fascination with stats and award-winning campaigns has led to a lengthy trawling through, collating and analyzing of the 957 entries for the inaugural Mobile Lions. This is what we learned. Hopefully this is useful. 1) The large creative/marketing agencies now take mobile seriously...

Beginners guide to mobile marketing

The mobile phone is an incredibly versatile device. It can take photos and videos, and send them anywhere in the world, instantly. Many devices know where you are, the more advanced ones even know in which direction you are facing. A quick search on the mobile Web will help you find the nearest branch of your favorite store or restaurant chain and a mapping app will guide you there. A well-targeted offer via mobile ad or SMS might tempt you into this outlet rather than another...

The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival 2011: the award-winning mobile campaigns with case studies and videos

Awards: Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity • Founded: 1954. • Deadline for entries: 20 April 2012. • Entry fee (for Mobile Lions): €399 (US $528.65) for international entries €478.80 (US $634.37) for UK entries • Winners announced: 19 June 2012. Prize: (much coveted) Lion trophy...

Global mobile statistics 2012 Section F: Mobile payment, NFC, m-commerce, m-ticketing and m-coupons


Mission possible: how mobile helps companies deliver strategic objectives

As witnessed by the mountain of entries for the inaugural Cannes Mobile Lions, brands have made mobile their mission. Indeed, with 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide (source: ITU), every company should aim to engage with customers via mobile Web, SMS, apps and ads. But mobile per se shouldn’t be the mission, it should be the vehicle (or one of the vehicles) by which the brand fulfils predefined strategic goals...

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