Using the mobile channel for good causes

One of the most exciting things about the mobile Web is the myriad ways it can help communities in need. Non-profit-making organizations – charities – have been quick to spot that mobile Web is a great way to trigger mobile giving...

Great deal for MobileMix event at ad:tech San Francisco (April 21, 2009) for mobiThinking readers.

ad:tech is offering mobiThinking readers a 10 percent discount on its inaugural MobileMix event at ad:tech San Francisco, April 21 , 2009...

Using Google Maps in Android

Google Maps is one of the many applications bundled with the Android platform. In addition to simply using the Maps application, you can also embed it into your own applications and make it do some very cool things. In this article, I will show you how to use Google Maps in your Android applications and how to programmatically perform the following: Change the views of Google Maps Obtain the latitude and longitude of locations in Google Maps Perform geocoding and reverse geocoding Add markers to Google Maps...

Nice iPhone application, but why ignore the vast majority of mobile customers?

Brands that focus on the iPhone are ignoring the vast majority of customers that use other phones. That’s the message from mobile analytics firm Bango and it’s clearly underscored by the latest statistics...

Forecasts for Brazil: its going to be hot

It’s no coincidence that the Mobile Marketing Association chose Brazil for its Latin American Forum this week. With 152 million mobile subscribers at the last count by Anatel (the country’s regulator), it’s a mobile market that’s tipped to be as hot as Brazil’s legendary summers...

Calling all ASP.NET developers!

Calling all ASP.NET developers! Supercharge your ASP.NET applications by giving them the all the device information they will ever need. With very simple configuration, the new ASP.NET 2.0 module for DeviceAtlas will integrate with existing mobile controls adding the benefit of fresh device data on over 4500 mobile devices from DeviceAtlas...

mobiForge server upgrade

Just a quick note that there will be a short period of downtime today due to a planned server upgrade. Thanks for your patience and we'll have everything back to normal as soon as we can...

Mobile Marketing Discovery Tactics for the Mobile Web

On the mobile Web, many users still do not know how to find the content they want. This is a real handicap for marketers looking to exploit the range and reach of the mobile Web through mobile marketing– and Forrester estimates that 83 per cent of marketers want to do just that. The Key Benefits of a Mobile Marketing Discovery Strategy What’s clear is that getting your mobile marketing content discovery strategy right can pay huge dividends:...

Great deal on CTIA Wireless events: Mobile Marketing and Mobile Entertainment (Las Vegas, March 31)

CTIA is offering mobiThinking readers excellent discounts on two concurrent one-day special-interest seminars at its annual event in Las Vegas, March 31, 2009: Billboard Mobile Entertainment Live! ($249) and Mobile Marketing and Advertising ($249)...

Getting started with the API

Note: We are not currently issuing new keys for the API is a well known page testing tool offered by dotMobi. When you supply a page URL to, it evaluates how well the page is likely to display on mobile devices by testing against the Mobile Web Best Practices, and dotMobi compliance rules...

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