Tag Archives: Content Adaptation
Welcome to my Soap Box…
March 31, 2008, by Ronan_Mandel
Hello, and thanks for stopping by. I’m very pleased to be here on the mobiForge blog after taking a short break from having a platform from which to speak about mobile web issues, concerns and answers for developers. After having spent over 8 years behind the helm of the developer program at Openwave (a.k.a Phone.com a.k.a. Unwired Planet), I find my self engaging in new challenges... Read More
Image Adaptation with DeviceAtlas
March 31, 2008, by svo9712
In this article we look at image adaptation using the DeviceAtlas API. For the mobile web it is often important to provide device specific images with correct format and size. Here we describe an Image Adaptation API, developed by Muntasir Mamun Joarder which makes use of the DeviceAtlas PHP API to to convert images on-the-fly into a format and size appropriate for the requesting device... Read More
Content Transformation and “The Manifesto”
March 26, 2008, by Jo Rabin
There has been a lot of discussion in recent days on Luca's Manifesto. I just wanted to note that the W3C Content Transformation Task Force is working with industry players to find a resolution to this difficult problem. The goal is to reconcile the objectives of those various players particularly "to help provide users with an acceptable experience of the Web on Mobile". I represent dotMobi on the Task Force and in fact am the editor of the Guidelines that the Task Force is producing... Read More
Responsible Reformatting
March 25, 2008, by jonarne
We have recently seen that several mobile network operators have implemented what's become known as "content transcoders" or "transcoding proxies". Vodafone and TeliaSonera are among them. The idea is to make the desktop web available on mobile devices. One of the side effects we have seen is that, put simply, already mobile optimized portals are also reformatted, destroying a carefully designed mobile user experience. Luca Passani has taken the initiative to clarify the impact of transcoders and suggest some basic rules for transcoding proxies to follow in this developer manifesto... Read More
DeviceAtlas version 1.0.2
March 19, 2008, by atrasatti
Updates keep flowing to the production server as we add new features to the database and to the web interface. Today we have released a few updates that you can see on our website. A lot have asked for more detailed information about properties and while we thought most names would be self-explanatory it is always good to have a quick handbook to look at... Read More