Tag Archives: White Papers
The insider’s guide to banking the unbanked
May 13, 2010, by mobiThinking
Many of those financial services that people in the developed nations take for granted – somewhere safe to keep your money, to receive wages or funds owed, pay utility bills or transfer money to someone else (e.g. your family back home) - aren't available to the majority of people, because less than one third of the world's population have bank accounts... Read More
The insider’s guide to mobile social networking: the 10 Ps
March 5, 2010, by mobiThinking
The 10 Ps of mobile social networking: popularity; planning; personal; proposition; permanence; participation; personalization; proliferation; passion and performance... Read More
How top football (soccer) clubs such as Real Madrid and Everton use mobile to engage fans
January 19, 2010, by mobiThinking
The thing that most people forget about football (that's soccer, if you are from the US) clubs is that while they are massive brands, with lots of (extremely loyal) customers, they are small businesses (employing far fewer employees than your average global brands). That's why it's fascinating that football clubs – led by the top brands – have readily embraced mobile as a way to communicate with, deliver news, content and offers to fans, while bringing in valuable extra revenue... Read More
10 tips: Using location to know and serve your mobile customer better
December 9, 2009, by mobiThinking
One of the mobile's greatest attributes is its potential to use knowledge about the customer location and what they are doing to make marketing and services more useful and applicable... Read More
The Italian case: best practices and missing steps to untap the potential of Mobile Government
December 4, 2009, by mobiThinking
In this last article in our series on Mobile Government, Andrea Volpini of Interact SpA shares with us some interesting examples taken from the Italian Public Administration, showing us how mobile Web can be used to provide better services to the citizens, and providing some useful suggestions for other Public Administrations as they approach these technologies... Read More