Tag Archives: White Papers
Judge for yourself: the campaigns of Mobile Dreams Factory
December 11, 2008, by mobiThinking
mobiThinking caught up with Alberto Benbunan, corporate development director of award-winning agency Mobile Dreams Factory. We asked him to share with you the video case studies that helped put the Spanish mobile-marketing agency into the spotlight at the 2008 Mobile Marketing Association Awards. So if you weren’t on the MMA judging panel, now is your chance to judge for yourself. Let us know what your think... Read More
Best and Worst Of The Mobile Web
November 25, 2008, by mobiThinking
There are some fantastic mobile websites out there – but there are also some turkeys (and some sites that get it almost right). This free e-Book takes you through the key principles behind mobile web success as highlighted by our distinguished panel of mobi-gurus (including contributions from the Yankee group, Gartner, Yahoo! and top marketing agencies and service providers). There are plenty of examples of the winners and sinners, so get out your smartphone and get ready to browse some great and not-so-great mobile sites... Read More
10 Mistakes in Mobile Marketing
June 9, 2008, by mobiThinking
These days, it’s common to hear people describe the mobile web as the biggest thing since the desktop web. They’re wrong. It’s much, much bigger than that. For starters, there are far more mobile devices than PCs (2.8 billion handsets were in circulation by mid-2006). In Europe alone, there are four times more handsets than PCs (in some countries, there are more handsets than people.)... Read More