

Latest Articles by mobiThinking

What is Mobile 2.0? Three expert opinions: Sven Huberts, Marvellous; Ben Scott-Robinson, We Love Mobile; Raam Thakrar, Touchnote

Try it… next time someone mentions Mobile 2.0 as part of sales or marketing pitch, put them on the spot and ask them what it means. Here are two opinions from two top mobile agencies: Ben Scott-Robinson (BSR) creative director We Love Mobile and Sven Huberts (SH), managing director, Netherlands, Marvellous/Isobar and Raam Thakrar (RT), co-founder and CEO, of mobile-to-postcard company Touchnote...

Carnival of the Mobilists (No 243): music, psychology, consumer behavior, apps, ads, movies, handset share and more

Welcome to Carnival of the Mobilists (COM), your round up of the best mobile and wireless blogs and one completely average one. Last week the itinerant COM was hosted by Antoine RJ Wright, next week COm drops in at MJelly. If you want your blog to be considered, submit it to [email protected]...

Mobile in Pakistan: a must-watch video from the founder of Mobile Monday Karachi

mobiThinking was recently sent this video of a presentation given by Rehan Allahwala, the founder of Mobile Monday Karachi at the recent Mobile Monday 10-year Anniversary Summit in Helsinki. We hope to be hearing a lot more on mobile in Pakistan from Mr. Allahwala, in the meantime we highly recommend watching this video. It puts things into perspective...

Win free tickets for MobileSQUARED Roadshow (New York, November 2, 2010)

The MobileSQUARED team has given mobiThinking five free tickets for the New York Roadshow next week to anyone who can answer these questions. All the answers can be found in articles in the MobileSQUARED newsletter. 6.9 percent of US consumers that view a mobile ad go on to purchase the item, but what ethnic group is most likely to make a purchase after viewing an ad: a) African American; b) White; or c) Hispanic?...

5.3bn mobile subscribers; nearly 1bn with high-speed mobile Web access: an interview with ITU statistics chief Susan Teltscher

On World Statistics Day, October 20, 2010, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the UN agency for ICT, announced its eagerly awaited mobile estimates for 2010. By the end of the year, there will be 5.3 billion mobile subscriptions. That is equivalent to 76 percent of the world population. And is a huge increase from 4.6 billion mobile subscriptions at the end of 2009. Nearly a billion of these are 3G subscriptions, and potentially mobile Web users...

2010 study of mobile Web trends shows continued explosion of mobile-friendly content

dotMobi, the mobile Web solutions company behind .mobi — the only ICANN-approved Internet address created specifically for labeling content that works on all mobile phones — today announced highlights of its third annual study on mobile Web trends. The dotMobi “Mobile Web Progress” study examined websites available via the world’s mostused global top-level Internet domains: .com, .net, .org, .info and .mobi...

Last-minute deal on Mobile App World tickets (London, October 19-20, 2010), save 66%. Plus free mobile developer workshops.

Due to an oversight mobiThinking and the conference organizers failed to organize the discount code for readers – sorry – so we are offering a very cheap ticket for Mobile App World (London, October 19-20, 2010). Two-day conference tickets cost UK £450 (US $715), instead of £1350 ($2,146). Tickets are available today only (while stocks last) by emailing info (at), quoting the magic code MobiThink. Check out the Mobile App World program...

Googles reveals mobile ad revenues of $1bn to help woo big advertisers to mobile, but AdMobs contribution is small

Talk of US $1bn annual revenues from mobile ad revenues lured mobiThinking into listening to the Google Q3 earnings call as the information wasn’t published in the press release or the accounts. Amazingly for an earnings call, it was compulsive listening. Despite making substantial disclosures about display, video and mobile advertising, mobile monopolized the agenda. Mobile may just be an emerging market for Google, but the company – and the analysts that ask the questions – clearly believes this is the future...

Greg Stuart: the mobiThinking interview with the new MMA president

• Other news from the Mobile Marketing Forum (EMEA) in London, October 2010: MMA Global Awards: 2010 finalists with case studies and videos...

Smaato Mobile Advertising Awards: 2010 Winners

Updated October 08, 2010 to include the 2010 winners and add videos where available. Awards: Smaato Mobile Advertising Awards Founded: 2008 Deadline for entries: September 3, 2010 Entry fee: free 2010 Winners announced: October 8, 2010 Prizes (2010): • Mobile World Congress 2011: one free booth (shared)...

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