Tag Archives: Marketing

Discovery: on-deck or off?

For mobile content players, discovery is the big challenge. How do you get people to experience your .mobi for the first time? Do you get your content on to the operator’s portals (‘on deck’)? Do you go direct, and help people to find and enter your URL on their own (‘off deck’)? A combination of both? An informal survey among the mobirati indicates that the US market is about 30% off-deck and 70% on-deck while the European market is the reverse. Any thoughts about why this should be the case are welcome...

The Marvellous Three of Mobile

Nick Fisher of Marvellous, one of the UK’s top mobile agencies, recently shared his thoughts on mobile marketing. Nick identifies ‘The Big Three of Mobile Marketing’ as: Brand Engagement Functional Utility Direct Response Which feels like a tight way to think about your mobile strategies. A campaign can do any combination of these, but if you’re using mobile, it should probably be doing at least one of them...

Nine reasons to consider mobile marketing

Anders Hansson, from Infonu in Stockholm alerted us to their eBook,, “How To Go Mobile”. Here’s a short excerpt, nine reasons to consider mobile marketing… (Thanks Anders!) 1. You get a list of phone numbers of consumers interested in your products. A mobile phone number is a more reliable reference to a consumer than an email address. Use your list to learn who your consumers are. 2. You communicate directly to consumers wherever they are...

Pot noodles bring brand attitude to their mobi

Pot Noodle is a wonderfully anarchic UK brand. They bring their attitude and energy to the mobile platform with a fun site potnoodle.mobi. Check out the “Tipping Pot” video – a very funny spoof of the famous Guinness ad. As they put it, “Who needs Argentineans and a massive budget when you've got a flatulent drunk and some old shopping trolleys?” If the two pillars of mobile web marketing are utility and entertainment, these guys come down firmly on the side of the latter – and pull it off...

The role of creative in mobile marketing

Mobile marketing calls for a different kind of creativity. Marching into your creative agency, showing them a tiny banner spec and saying, “Good luck” is not going to get you much. What seems to be emerging as we listen to some of the mobile pioneers at the Mobile Marketing Forum this week is that creativity lives in different places in the mobile marketing world. The challenges for any creative team looks more like these: “How do we engage with our consumers in new ways?”...

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