Five-minute interview: Dr KF Lai, CEO of BuzzCity

In 2010, there were a whopping 52.8 billion mobile ads served on the 2,500 mobile sites on the BuzzCity network – that’s an increase of 93 percent compared to banners served in 2009. Top countries for ads served for Singapore-based BuzzCity in 2010 were India, Indonesia, USA, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Kenya, China, Turkey and Vietnam. This gives BuzzCity – and company CEO/co-founder Dr Lai Kok Fung – a more objective perspective on the global state of mobile than networks that are mostly focused on the US...

Win free tickets for the Mobile Research Conference and Awards (London, April 18-19, 2011)

• UPDATE 15 March, 2011: this competition is now closed. Two lucky mobiThinking readers can win free tickets for the Mobile Research Conference (MRC) and the MRC Awards which take place on April 18-19 in London. Just email us with the correct answer to these questions:...

Using mobile Web-based research to deliver insights into the mobile-only generation: interview with On Device Research

Alistair Hill, formally of research giant ComScore, founded mobile research company On Device Research in summer 2010. Since then it has set up panels of mobile users ready to answer surveys for the company’s corporate clients, in all countries in Asia and Africa, as well as the UK and US. Some details remain confidential, such as how the panels are recruited and qualified, and any incentives offered. • Also see this Guide to m-research...

Responding To Inbound SMS Messages

In our last article, we created the basis of a messaging system, allowing us to receive inbound messages using keywords and shortcodes. We’ve also previously seen how we can send SMS messages. It’s time to bring everything together and create a simple messaging system that can process inbound SMS messages and send back responses to those messages. The Current System...

Mobile Web first – the consensus from mobile experts and global brands pinch me, I must be dreaming

In 2010, the agenda and presentations at mobile conferences (also mobile awards) tended to focus more on mobile download apps than mobile Web or messaging. This isn’t surprising considering the huge sums that brands had invested in developing and then promoting these apps through advertising and PR/media coverage; not to mention the profits that agencies (often found on the conference rostrum) of all descriptions have made off the back of app mania...

B2B mobile marketing – the insiders guide to engaging business customers by mobile, with Christina “CK” Kerley

Christina “CK” Kerley is a mobile evangelist, but while pretty much everyone preaching from conference rostrums is focused on wooing consumers via mobile, her target audience is those who market to business customers. When you think about it, is there a more appropriate group to engage with via mobile?...

The insiders guide to mobile Web marketing in the France… has moved

The insider’s guide to mobile Web marketing in the France... has been updated, improved and moved to

The insiders guide to mobile Web marketing in France

Our guide to the French mobile market is Benoît Corbin, president of Ocito, a French mobile agency founded in 2002, and president of Mobile Marketing Association France (MMAF)...

Carnival of the Mobilists: the monthly round up of the best in mobile blogging

Head over to Tego Interactive to read January’s Carnival of the Mobilists. The excellent line up includes articles from Dennis Bournique/WapReview, Antoine RJ Wright, Chetan Sharma, Tomi Ahonen, Mark Bridge/, Ram Krishnan/Movik Networks, Jamie Wells/Wikimobidex, Cynthia Artin/MSearchGroove and mobiThinking’s guides to m-research and mobile barcodes. It’s an honor...

Win free tickets for M-Days (Frankfurt, Germany, January 27-28, 2011)

Two lucky mobiThinking readers can win free tickets for the M-Days conference in Frankfurt next week on January 27-28. The first two people to email us with the correct answers to the following questions will win the conference passes. But hurry, you only have until the Monday, January 24 to respond. The M-Days conference is conducted in what language: a) English; b) German; c) partly in German, partly in English; or d) Esperanto?...

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