What no links? How the Oscars, film distributors and news sites are all at sea over mobile

mobiThinking has been on an Oscars-inspired trip to the movies. There are some excellent mobile tools for movie lovers – reviews and trailers that helped us decide what to see, even sites that told us where the film was playing locally and allowed us to book seats. The frustrating thing is it took hours. Hours spent trawling through mobile search and directory sites… and the daft thing is we shouldn’t need to do it...

The insiders guide to mobile search marketing

While you may not have heard of Medio Systems, if you’ve used an own-brand search engine on an operator portal or big content provider in the US or Europe, you could well have been using Medio. Among the clients who use Medio’s white-label search are Verizon, T-Mobile, Telus Mobility, ABC News Mobile, CBS News Mobile, CBS Sports Mobile and Disney Mobile. mobiThinking asked Michael “Luni” Libes, chief architect and co-founder at Medio Systems, to give you the inside track on mobile search optimization/marketing...

DeviceAtlas to add TAC for device recognition

Last week was the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. Thousands of mobile developers, marketers and geeks met in the beautiful Fira area. dotMobi was there too and among the other things we announced the cooperation with the GSMA (also on of the dotMobi investors) to provide the TAC database in DeviceAtlas...

Flying high with Kitevibe.mobi

Outdoor pursuits and the mobile Internet are a natural fit. With a hotline to his London-based power-kiting school in the palm of his hand, Mark Parker never struggles to show potential customers the thrills of kiting, wherever he or they may be. Blue-sky thinking The goal for the site was to provide customers with everything they needed to know about power kiting and Kitevibe's lessons, simply and effectively, whatever mobile handset they were using. And once convinced, to allow them to go ahead and purchase a course...

dotMobi launches Instant Mobilizer – Fast-track ticket to the mobile Web for small business

Viva la mobile Web. mobiForge’s parent dotMobi has just launched Instant Mobilizer at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is a handy tool designed to get small businesses up-and-running on the mobile Internet ASAP, by automatically converting their PC Web site to a mobile-friendly format instantly with no development effort, hosting or site maintenance...

Getting Started with Android Development

Unless you have been hiding in the caves for the past couple of months, by now you must have heard of the mobile platform from Google that everyone is talking about. Yes, that's right, I am talking about Android. Android is an open source mobile operating system that is based on the Linux kernel. Using Android, device manufacturers can customize the OS to suit their particular hardware design, thereby allowing them to innovate without limitations...

What do we want? Metrics from mobile sites. When do we want them? Yesterday.

It’s odd to want to make the mobile Web more like the PC Web, but when it comes to media metrics, that’s what mobile marketers are clambering for. The latest GSMA initiative suggests someone’s starting to listen. Media buyers want to know what they’re buying into – statistics about a site, its visitors, their demographics and behavior. Fair enough, it’s what they get from a PC Web site, so why not from a mobile site?...

AT&T Gateway address updates

Well our friends at AT&T are up to changes in the network again. Happily they were kind enough to send out a message with a heads up about new network addresses that are coming from devices on their network...

Fast-track ticket to the mobile Web for small business

Viva la mobile Web. mobiThinking’s parent dotMobi (the folks behind the .mobi domain) has launched Instant Mobilizer at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This is a handy tool designed to get small businesses up-and-running on the mobile Internet ASAP, by automatically converting their PC Web site to a mobile-friendly format...

Valentines Day to break messaging record

Valentine’s Day 2009 is gearing up to be the biggest texting day ever, with VeriSign predicting 3.5 billion messages will be sent in North America alone. On February 14 last year, VeriSign estimated 2.2 billion messages would be sent in the US, suggesting a 37 percent increase. For 2009 as a whole, VeriSign’s estimates imply an increase in total messaging for the year of 30 percent compared to 2008...

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