Tag Archives: Responsive Design

Where’s the !@££@$£ content? The scourge of the spandex web.

How has it come to this? The gentleman in the phone shop told me I was buying the latest and greatest phone, yet every site I visit loads at a glacial pace, speeds that make tectonic plate movements look positively spritely. It all feels like an act of pennance for some terrible act I committed a long time ago. The Guardian website new design is really and truly awful - I have 10 sections hidden and a sore finger from scrolling - where's the news?...

iPhone 6: Is Apple Fragmented?

“6 plus users are getting just the tiniest, tiniest taste of android hardware spec fragmentation hell right now” (@zpower) “Even after an hour of use I'm annoyed with apps that haven't been updated for the iPhone 6 screen size. Hurry devs!” (@isrob) Just some of the comments on the iPhone 6 release suggest that fragmentation woes have come to the iOS platform...

RWD: Responsible Web Design and how websites cope with compromised connectivity

Like most people, I use the internet a lot in the evenings when I have some downtime. Although I live in the centre of European capital city (Dublin) which ought to be fairly weIl served with cell tower coverage, I also happen to live in an old house with 12 inch thick poured concrete walls. Getting good a connection for voice calls has never been guaranteed, so I wanted to check how well some major brand’s web presences would fare under my particular set of circumstances on a mobile network connection...

Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 2

• Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 1 • Claim your 25 percent discount for the full book (sorry, only available for European readers)...

Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 1

• Mobile sites and responsive design: Part 2 • Claim your 25 percent discount for the full book (sorry only available for UK, European readers). Mobile sites and responsive design (part 1)...

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