Tag Archives: Responsive Design
Mobile and Web: restating our assumptions
November 13, 2013, by Martin Clancy
Much like Max Cohen, the tortured mathematician looking for order in chaos in the classic movie Pi, we all find ourselves constantly reevaluating our assumptions and thinking on the issues at the intersection of mobile and web. Which is how it ought to be. In such a fast moving environment, sticking one's head in the sand isn’t really an option. By the time you raise your head and take a look around, chances are you will be looking at a completely different landscape... Read More
Open discussion with Mozilla on the use cases for UA strings
November 6, 2013, by ronan
Yesterday, [url=https://twitter.com/miketaylr]Mike Taylor[/url] from Mozilla kicked off a very interesting open discussion on the use cases for user agent (UA) strings on the modern web. The results of this document will ultimately end up on the [url=https://wiki.mozilla.org/UA/UseCases]Mozilla wiki[/url]... Read More
Lightening your RWD website with RESS
October 17, 2013, by ronan
This article will show you how to use a technique called RESS (Responsive design with Server Side components) to make significant performance and reach improvements to a website for both mobile and desktop alike. This technique requires just a few lines of code, some simple configuration and no ongoing maintenance. The site will change from one that works on desktops, tablets and smartphones to one that works on almost anything, anywhere and loads faster in all cases... Read More
A selection of easy-to-use tools to build a responsive site
July 31, 2013, by Staff
There are various techniques for building mobile websites. Previously we wrote this article which covers some of these techniques, and which gives an overview to help developers to decide which approach to adopt... Read More
Why Responsive Web Design is not always the best option for a mobile SEO strategy
March 21, 2013, by Staff
There are a lot of misconceptions about what Google is saying about mobile SEO. First and foremost, Google doesn't mandate the use of Responsive Web Design (RWD) as best practice for SEO. Google [url=https://developers.google.com/webmasters/smartphone-sites/details]expressly says[/url] [i]"Google does not favor any particular URL format as long as they are all accessible to both Googlebot and Googlebot-Mobile”[/i] the bots Google uses to crawl desktop and Smartphone specific content. And it’s worth noting here that Google is crawling desktop and mobile content separately... Read More