Tag Archives: UX

Bill boards

Mobile ad UX: how to use ads and alienate people

As a follow up to our previous article on the rising prevalence of ad blockers we thought it would be useful to review the types of ad that are likely to deliver a poor user experience, annoy your visitors, and sink your conversion rates. Ads, even at the best of times, aren’t particularly liked by...

Phone UX

Mobile UX: device-targeting and conversion rate optimization

Much is made of the impact that speed has on conversion rates on the web. It’s a message that has become increasingly important in recent years, as mobile penetration rates have soared. Much less has been made of the effect of device-targeted UX on conversions. It’s well known that conversion rates are lower on smartphones...

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Market leading device intelligence for the web, app and MNO ecosystems
DeviceAtlas - Device Intelligence

Real-time identification of fraudulent and misrepresented traffic
DeviceAssure - Device Verification

A free tool for developers, designers and marketers to test website performance
mobiReady - Evaluate your websites’ mobile readiness

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