Tag Archives: Web Publishing

RWD: Responsible Web Design and how websites cope with compromised connectivity

Like most people, I use the internet a lot in the evenings when I have some downtime. Although I live in the centre of European capital city (Dublin) which ought to be fairly weIl served with cell tower coverage, I also happen to live in an old house with 12 inch thick poured concrete walls. Getting good a connection for voice calls has never been guaranteed, so I wanted to check how well some major brand’s web presences would fare under my particular set of circumstances on a mobile network connection...

Tracking mobile with Google Analytics

Mobile is becoming more important by the day and the figures speak for themselves: about 1 page out of every 8 was viewed using a mobile device (including tablets and phones) according to recent comScore research and last month Google released a study which showed that 77% of mobile searches were performed at home or at work even if a desktop PC was available...

The most common mistakes in smartphone sites according to Google

Google are paying ever more attention to the mobile market and so, developers pay attention when the Big G is making recommendations. Google recently published a [url=https://developers.google.com/webmasters/smartphone-sites/common-mistakes]document[/url] on the main mistakes people make when working on mobile websites for smartphones. If you look through the list you can definitely recognize a cornerstone of Google's approach: [b]focus on the end user[/b]. Or put another way, "adopt the approach you want but be aware of your audience"...

Introducing Prism, a tool for testing device adaptation

Due to the multifarious nature of the mobile web, developers tend to spend a lot of time testing their work. If your site is designed to adapt to multiple different devices this effort is multiplied because you need to ensure that your detection is working correctly across multiple devices and that your response is appropriate in each case...

QR codes and mobile Web bringing publishing into the 21st century

There’s a common misconception that print publishing and mobile are unhappy bedfellows. But there is much more to this than print versus e-books. Forward-looking publisher, Atria Books is using quick-response codes and mobile Web to enhance books and giving away free e-books to promote newly published books...

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