Tag Archives: White Papers
Global mobile statistics 2013 Section E: Mobile apps, app stores, pricing and failure rates
May 26, 2013, by mobiThinking
Five common compliance and privacy mistakes in mobile that could land you in trouble and lose you customers
April 19, 2013, by mobiThinking
You commonly hear the mobile business being referred to as an ecosystem and there’s a good reason for that. Trust has to exist in the mobile ecosystem between customers and mobile marketers, mobile retailers, et al, otherwise they won’t engage and make purchases. Just one bad mobile experience with one company could cause a customer to lose faith with the mobile business as a whole, to the detriment of all. Companies that break the rules and ignore customer privacy are the killing mobile business just as it is getting started... Read More
Winners of the World Summit Mobile Awards (WSA) 2013 with case studies and 30 videos
February 11, 2013, by mobiThinking
The reason the World Summit Awards (WSA) stands out from other mobile awards is its mandate. The WSA awards – and the mobile awards, introduced 2010 – are founded on the principles of the Geneva World Summit on the Information Society 2003, where UN nations committed to making IT more people-centered and inclusive, giving all people everywhere access to information and knowledge and to strive to use IT to fight poverty, hunger and improve health and education... Read More
Eight top tips for running a click-to-call campaign
August 7, 2012, by mobiThinking
Making phone calls on mobile devices is what people do – that’s why it is a natural action for people to make a call following a mobile search or clicking on a search-based advertisement. According to mobile ad network xAd (Q4, 2011), 52 percent of people who click on search ads go on to call the advertiser. Meanwhile Google reports that mobile users are 6-8 percent more likely to click on an ad that contains a phone number... Read More
Mission possible: how mobile helps companies deliver strategic objectives
June 14, 2012, by mobiThinking
As witnessed by the mountain of entries for the inaugural Cannes Mobile Lions, brands have made mobile their mission. Indeed, with 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide (source: ITU), every company should aim to engage with customers via mobile Web, SMS, apps and ads. But mobile per se shouldn’t be the mission, it should be the vehicle (or one of the vehicles) by which the brand fulfils predefined strategic goals... Read More