Tag Archives: Content Adaptation

FIFA World Cup Mobile Site

As World Cup fever begins to take hold (even for those of us from countries that didn't qualify), I've inevitably found myself drawn into the competition, multi-screen style. Having access to an array of fixtures, groups, stats, team line-ups and so on at my fingertips has definitely added to my experience of the event...

Rethinking the CMS in the Mobile Era

One of the overlooked heroes of the web is the Content Management System, or CMS. The very early days of web authoring produced the concept of the CMS. A new application type used to curate online information in powerful and intuitive ways...

RWD: Responsible Web Design and how websites cope with compromised connectivity

Like most people, I use the internet a lot in the evenings when I have some downtime. Although I live in the centre of European capital city (Dublin) which ought to be fairly weIl served with cell tower coverage, I also happen to live in an old house with 12 inch thick poured concrete walls. Getting good a connection for voice calls has never been guaranteed, so I wanted to check how well some major brand’s web presences would fare under my particular set of circumstances on a mobile network connection...

Mobile and Web: restating our assumptions

Much like Max Cohen, the tortured mathematician looking for order in chaos in the classic movie Pi, we all find ourselves constantly reevaluating our assumptions and thinking on the issues at the intersection of mobile and web. Which is how it ought to be. In such a fast moving environment, sticking one's head in the sand isn’t really an option. By the time you raise your head and take a look around, chances are you will be looking at a completely different landscape...

Open discussion with Mozilla on the use cases for UA strings

Yesterday, [url=https://twitter.com/miketaylr]Mike Taylor[/url] from Mozilla kicked off a very interesting open discussion on the use cases for user agent (UA) strings on the modern web. The results of this document will ultimately end up on the [url=https://wiki.mozilla.org/UA/UseCases]Mozilla wiki[/url]...

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