Tag Archives: Content Adaptation
A selection of easy-to-use tools to build a responsive site
July 31, 2013, by Staff
There are various techniques for building mobile websites. Previously we wrote this article which covers some of these techniques, and which gives an overview to help developers to decide which approach to adopt... Read More
Tablet and mobile device detection in PHP
July 26, 2013, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
Previously on mobiForge Ronan posted about a lightweight approach to device detection using regular expressions in PHP. Since this is still an approach widely adopted by many web developers today, we feel that it's about time we revisited the original article... Read More
Performance is money, part 1: the end-user’s wallet
March 12, 2013, by ronan
Most web developers are familiar with the maxim that light is good: the idea that page performance matters to the end user experience is a truism at this point, backed up by a tremendous amount of real-world evidence, summarised quite nicely at [url=http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/psychology-web-performance/]websiteoptimization.com[/url]... Read More
Future of the Mobile Web Whitepaper
February 23, 2012, by Martin Clancy
We're very happy to publish this paper arising from the The Future of the Mobile Web event held at the Dublin Convention Centre in January 2012. We covered a lot of ground and the paper is a serious attempt to capture all the topics covered from HTML5 to responsive design to device detection and many others. We found it to be a very worthwhile process to listen, validate our ideas and learn from others in the process of writing it. We hope it is useful to a wider readership also... Read More
Future of the Mobile Web
February 3, 2012, by Martin Clancy
Last week we hosted an event loftily entitled "The Future of the Mobile Web" at the Dublin Convention Centre... Read More