News & Comment

EU unfetters the mobile Web, with plan to scrap roaming fees in Europe. When will the rest of the world follow?

Updated March 21, 2014: now includes clarification on positive impact for non-EU citizens visiting EU countries...

UK regulator benchmarks mobile/fixed broadband progress against EU countries: why all countries should do this properly

The UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, has released a European Broadband Scorecard comparing the UK’s performance in broadband and mobile broadband with European countries. The regulator has been tasked with proving that progress is being made towards the UK Government’s ambitious goal that the UK ‘should have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015’...

Which mobile ad networks should be included in the 2014 version of the Guide to mobile ad networks?

mobiThinking is working on the 2014 version of the popular Guide to mobile ad networks (in the last year the guide has received 100,000 pageviews). The new version will introduce new networks, update old profiles and delete those haven’t been updated recently...

Mobile wallet hype in Germany’s payments industry – more losers than winners

Do you remember the dotcom bubble at the turn of the millennium? Even back then, German consumers were able to make payments with their mobile phones. A start-up called Paybox enabled mobile payment transactions that leveraged the German domestic debit system to settle transactions on consumers' current accounts. All a consumer had to do was add their bank account details as a funding source to the Paybox system...

GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2014 – the winners with videos and case studies

Congratulations to the Global Mobile Awards winners. Where available we have added links, descriptions and embedded video for the winning campaigns. If we do not have the best description, link to your case study, site, app or video, please email details to: editor(at)

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