News & Comment

US consumers will spend more time on mobile devices than PCs in 2014: three hours a day. When will marketers catch up?

In 2013, US consumers spent over 2 hours 19 minutes using mobile phones – that excludes making calls – matching PC consumption. In 2014 mobile usage will rise to 2 hours 51 minutes, while PC consumption contracts to 2 hours 12 minutes, according to forecasts by eMarketer (April 2014). So why are US advertisers expected to spend twice as much on PC advertising as mobile next year?...

2013 handset and smartphone sales and market share: 10 things you need to know (Update)

Update (April 1, 2014): Now includes forecasts for smartphone sales 2014-2018 and average selling price of smartphones...

Android: platform of the next decade or revenue backwater?

This week was an interesting one for the perennial Android vs. iOS debate. Horace Dediu kicked things off on Sunday with a few infographics depicting the dominant smartphone ecosystems: This was picked up on by Cennydd Bowles and a sparkling debate ensued...

The insiders guide to mobile Web and marketing in Brazil 2014

There are more mobile subscribers than people in Brazil, with 272.4 million mobile subscriptions shared among a population of 199 million. In 2013, for the first time, the number of smartphones sold (32 million) outpaced the number of feature phones (29.1 million). Mobile Web use is rising rapidly – 36 percent Brazilians are regular users of 3G services...

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