Tag Archives: Web Publishing

Calling all mobile marketing professionals!

I'm proud to announce that we have a new sibling!We're really pleased with how mobiForge has grown over the last year to become an independent authority for technical mobile professionals. And now we're launching mobiThinking: dotMobi's new resource site and blog designed for anyone interested in mobile marketing, branding, and advertising...

Content Delivery for Mobile Devices

In the past, delivering content to mobile devices has been a very tricky subject. Developers who came into the mobile world were usually confronted with a new and unknown paradigm, where very little information could be found on how to determine devices' capabilities and to deliver content to them...

Blogger mobile

Do you use Blogger? Need a mobile template? We recently had a request in our forums for a mobile template for Blogger, and a few searches later ('blogger mobile template' etc.) and I knew how to post to a Blogger blog from my phone, but not how to make it accessible to mobile users...Blogger uses a template system which allows users to create and customise their own templates...

PAMP: Personal Apache MySQL PHP

Those of us familiar with dynamic web programming have most likely heard the term LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). LAMP refers to a stack of software used to run a website or server. In LAMP, Apache is the web server, MySQL is the database and PHP is the programming language. Good news is that, as the outcome of the open source research of Nokia PAMP, the AMP stack for Series60 mobile devices is now available...

Mobile Web Design – Beyond Simple XHTML Pages II

SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is "a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML."3 Or in English, SVG enables a designer to render vector images and animations within the browser using numerical coordinates rather than pixels. SVG Tiny is a baseline profile of SVG, implementable on a range of devices, and described by the W3C thusly:...

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Market leading device intelligence for the web, app and MNO ecosystems
DeviceAtlas - Device Intelligence

Real-time identification of fraudulent and misrepresented traffic
DeviceAssure - Device Verification

A free tool for developers, designers and marketers to test website performance
mobiReady - Evaluate your websites’ mobile readiness

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