Tag Archives: HTML5
A review of Firefox OS, its features and benefits
June 5, 2013, by Staff
Mozilla will unleash its new mobile platform [url=https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS]Firefox OS[/url] shortly, with devices running the system going on sale in Venezuela, Poland, Portugal, Brazil, and Spain in June. There's been a lot of [url=http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/03/firefox-os-hands-on-mozillas-plan-to-build-on-top-of-the-web/]anticipation[/url] of the OS from the outset, as it could potentially change the way mobile is viewed in some markets... Read More
HTML5 for the Mobile Web – a guide to the Geolocation API
May 30, 2013, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
In this second article in our series on HTML5 for mobile web (first part here), we cover the Geolocation API. For mobile users, location-based services are hugely compelling. Long the holy grail of mobile applications, and something of a missed opportunity for service providers, the addition of location-awareness to mobile apps has made for some very exciting use cases... Read More
HTML5 for the Mobile Web – Part I: Introduction
May 16, 2013, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
There has been much interest lately around HTML5 and its readiness for production environments and whether HTML5 apps should be used over native apps. This has been due, in large part, to the high-profile defections of tech behemoths such as Facebook and LinkedIn away from HTML5 to native apps for their core mobile services... Read More
Why HTML5 still presents some problems on mobile
April 4, 2013, by Staff
One of the debates of 2013 centres on which approach you should adopt to deliver a great user experience, while keeping costs at an acceptable level. This question often gets parsed as [i]“HTML5 or native applications?”[/i] or [i]“HTML or mobile site builders”[/i] or even something else entirely. But with all the vaunted promise of HTML5, just what does that ‘5’ mean when it comes to real world deployments?... Read More
BB10 tutorial: create Web apps that seamlessly integrate BlackBerry 10 native functions
March 12, 2013, by admin
The much-anticipated BlackBerry 10 operating system is already creating a splash with customers, analysts and developers alike. In this tutorial, BlackBerry developer evangelist Luca Sale teaches us how to develop a Web app for the new OS that hooks into the native functions of BlackBerry devices such as the camera and the ever-popular BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)... Read More