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BB10 tutorial: create Web apps that seamlessly integrate BlackBerry 10 native functions

The much-anticipated BlackBerry 10 operating system is already creating a splash with customers, analysts and developers alike. In this tutorial, BlackBerry developer evangelist Luca Sale teaches us how to develop a Web app for the new OS that hooks into the native functions of BlackBerry devices such as the camera and the ever-popular BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)...

Why mobile Web accessibility matters – best practices to make your mobile site accessible

“The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web. This mantra is as true for the mobile Web as it is for the desktop Web. Over a billion people worldwide live with some kind of disability, and 285 million have visual impairments (39 million are blind and 246 have low vision), according to World Health Organization (WHO). Given these numbers, what excuses are there for bad design practices that shut users out who are visually impaired and/or rely on assistive technologies?...

Mobile Web Design – Beyond Simple XHTML Pages III

In recent years, widgets have been widely popularized due to the success of Yahoo! Widgets ( and Mac OS X Dashboard ( Widget, a term that traditionally refers to operating system GUI components such as dialog boxes or pop-up windows, is also used to describe small, lightweight applications that run within a local client. These “micro” applications are very compact in both physical size and file size and usually perform only one or two simple functions...

DotMobi Switch On! Guides (Style Guides)

The dotMobi Switch On! Guides are a set of guides governing certain technical protocols and services in the .mobi domain. These style guides are a combination of mandatory rules and optional best practices that, when applied to content and services associated with the domain, ensure a good user experience for users interacting with the domain and its services via a mobile device...

Screencast: Beginning Mobile Web Development

In order to help web developers who are already familiar with authoring for the PC-internet adapt their skills to mobile, mTLD provides a short online course that help explains the different techniques that are required for creating a mobile site. This course is completely free of charge and streamed directly to your browser...

Certification materials

There is a zip file attached to this page that contains a set of resources that may be used ONLY by certified developers on their web sites. This is a set of images and PDF files that can be used to market the fact that you are a certified dotMobi developer...

Get Rich Slowly or, Mobile Advertising: how to monetize your mobile site, Part 2

As promised in our previous feature (Mobile advertising: how to monetize your mobile site) we're following up our experiments with some findings. As you may recall from part I of this article, rather than talking about mobile advertising in theory, we decided to actually try it out on mobiForge to see how well it works in practice...

The Nokia Web Browser Design Guide

Not exactly news as such, but I got around to reading this confusingly named guide only today (to be clear, it's about designing web content for mobile rather than designing web browsers). The guide says it is to "help developers see what kinds of issues to consider as their audience begins to use more and more mobile clients to access Web content" but actually it is more about designing content that works well with the new browser that's shipped on the latest S60 phones...

Did you miss us? :-(

Like much of the rest of the Irish on-line world, we've been down today thanks to circumstances outside of our control. Nevertheless, we're taking steps... our apologies for a few missing hours... updates

We have updated to version 2.0. We hope you like it. The following are the new features that have been added in this new version.Simple formsAdvanced formsAuto-Redirect to PC WebsitesSEO (Search Engine Optimization)...

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