Most popular content on mobiThinking in 2012

Happy New Year

mobiThinking was visited by 808,559 unique visitors in 2012 (75 percent more than 2011) – what did they come to read? The top destination on mobiThinking in 2012 was the Compendium of global mobile stats with 975,298 pageviews (PV), followed by the Guide to mobile ad networks, Guide to the world’s top mobile markets, Guide to mobile awards and Guide to mobile agencies. Find the links to all the top content below…
• mobiThinking’s readership is global, but the top 10 countries by number of readers in 2012 were United States, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, Germany, Singapore, France, South Africa and Netherlands.
• mobiThinking is interested in hearing your suggestions for mobile content in 2013. If you’d like to recommend a topic to investigate; a country, agency or ad network to be profiled; a guru who must be interviewed; or some stats we should chase down, then please email: editor (at)
• PV = pageviews in 2012

The big guides:

Compendium of global mobile stats (975,298 PV)

As demonstrated by the popularity of the compendium, with almost 1 million hits in 2012, the demand for reliable mobile statistics is massive. There’s now a wealth of organizations pumping out quality research on all things mobile, unlike when we started the guide in 2010, but the practice of recycling inaccurate/misleading mobile stats is still as commonly practiced on the conference stage, marketing collateral, blogs, twitter or infographics (which were the plague of 2012) as it ever was… which makes mobiThinking all the more committed to serve you with the best mobile stats available.
The compendium is now in seven sections (there are only so many stats you can fit on one page), so now we also know what sort of mobile stats are most popular: mobile subscribers and handset share (126,731 PV), followed by mobile Web and 3G subscriptions (53,077 PV).
The momentous task of updating the compendium for 2013 is underway, if you like your stats hot of the press, follow @mobithinking on twitter.

Guide to mobile ad networks (97,003 PV)

Ad networks play a very important role in bringing mobile advertisers and publishers together, but with so many out there, and none being alike, which should you choose? This guide asks the questions that every advertiser/publisher needs to know to make an educated choice. This guide profiles 22 of the top mobile ad networks in-depth.
New Ad networks added in 2012 included LeadBolt; xAd; YP (AT&T); MobPartner; and Sponsormob.
Expect more ad networks to be added in 2013 version, along with lots of updated profiles.

Mobile awards guide (40,644 PV)

Clearly the readership loves a video case study for an award-winning campaign as much as mobiThinking does – we try to source a video for each winner (if available) and have collected 180 or so to date.
In 2012, the all-new Cannes Mobile Lions stole the show on the popularity stakes (19,249 PV); followed by the Webby Awards; MMA SMARTIES Awards; GSMA Global Mobile Awards; and the EMMAs.

Guides to the world’s greatest mobile markets (32,751 PV)

This year we added two excellent guides to Kenya (1,744 PV) – the world’s leading market for mobile money – and Nigeria – the largest mobile market in Africa, with over 100 million subscriptions –, both written by local mobile experts. The most popular country guides this year are Japan (5,344 PV) and Brazil.
Stay tuned for some brilliant new guides in 2012 starting with Sweden (a hot-bed of mobile talent) and Germany (the largest mobile market in Europe).

Guide to mobile agencies (26,672 PV)

The guide was designed to help companies pick the right mobile agency, examining expertise, client list, award-winning work etc. To date the guide includes 15 in-depth agency profiles, the latest of which is the multi-award-winning The Hyperfactory.
The most popular profiles are for Madrid-based Mobext and Mumbai-based Hungama, both with over a thousand pageviews.
Two new agency profiles will be added in early 2013.

Interviews and guides: the top five

Mobile apps: native v Web (77,497 PV) continued to be the most popular guide/interview on mobiThinking, showing that the native v Web app debate is still top of the agenda.
Web apps was also the top performer among the new interviews and guides in 2012, with the FT interview scoring over 3,000 pageviews. The top five were:
• What you can learn from the FT Web app: interview with Steve Pinches (3,020 PV)
• 10 Reasons why mobile analytics are mission critical to a sustainable mobile strategy: Michael Ricci, Webtrends (1,989 PV)
• Beginner’s guide to mobile marketing: David Murphy, Mobile Marketing Magazine
• Eight top tips for running a click-to-call campaign: Jason Wells, ContactPoint
• The role of mobile in publishing – friend or foe? Interview with Judith Curr, Atria Books

The Blog (118,671 PV): the top five

The two most popular blogs in 2012 were both stats-based. The first covered Tomi Ahonen’s research into the world’s top 25 mobile companies, by revenue; the second analyzed the 2011 handset/smartphone sales.
• The top mobile companies in the world (13,459 PV)
• Handset and smartphone sales statistics worldwide: the big picture (12,862 PV)
• China passes 1 billion mobile subscribers, passes 400 million mobile Web users and overtakes US as world’s top smartphone market
• The cost of promoting apps continues to rise, but has Apple’s iAd been missing out on the app-promotion gravy train?
• Carling Black Label Cup “Be the Coach” mobile campaign – innovative, inclusive and effective

mobiThinking visitor data is calculated by Google Analytics.
The data refers only to the mobiThinking readership and is not supposed to reflect the mobile business as a whole.

Mobile events 2012 – best conferences, great discounts and free tickets
@mobithinking – Be the first to know when mobiThinking adds new stats, guides, competitions etc… follow mobiThinking on Twitter.

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