Rethinking the CMS in the Mobile Era

One of the overlooked heroes of the web is the Content Management System, or CMS. The very early days of web authoring produced the concept of the CMS. A new application type used to curate online information in powerful and intuitive ways...

Theres more to smart mobile marketing than smartphones: Q&A with Candice Goodman Chair, MMA South Africa; MD, Mobitainment

Candice Goodman is the chair the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) South Africa and managing director of th...

The 10 ways mobile search is different: implications for your mobile Web/search strategy

Let’s get one thing straight: mobile search is huge and growing rapidly • “25 percent of overall search queries are now on mobile devices.” – BIA/Kelsey (April 2014)...

Developer Economics: take the survey and win

Update: This survey is now closed We've partnered with VisionMobile on its Developer Economics report survey. VisionMobile has been doing a stellar job of producing excellent research into many aspects of the mobile dev industry. Previous reports have charted things like revenue models by screen, platform prioritisation, and HTML5 vs native trends...

US consumers will spend more time on mobile devices than PCs in 2014: three hours a day. When will marketers catch up?

In 2013, US consumers spent over 2 hours 19 minutes using mobile phones – that excludes making calls – matching PC consumption. In 2014 mobile usage will rise to 2 hours 51 minutes, while PC consumption contracts to 2 hours 12 minutes, according to forecasts by eMarketer (April 2014). So why are US advertisers expected to spend twice as much on PC advertising as mobile next year?...

Mobile browsing stats: why do iOS users surf more than Android users?

If Android smartphones and now tablets (as of 2013) outsell iOS devices so convincingly worldwide, why do iOS devices command such a substantial share of mobile browsing in Western markets such the US? This blog post examines why this happens today and whether this will continue to be the case in the future, and what it all means for your mobile strategy...

RWD: Responsible Web Design and how websites cope with compromised connectivity

Like most people, I use the internet a lot in the evenings when I have some downtime. Although I live in the centre of European capital city (Dublin) which ought to be fairly weIl served with cell tower coverage, I also happen to live in an old house with 12 inch thick poured concrete walls. Getting good a connection for voice calls has never been guaranteed, so I wanted to check how well some major brand’s web presences would fare under my particular set of circumstances on a mobile network connection...

2013 handset and smartphone sales and market share: 10 things you need to know (Update)

Update (April 1, 2014): Now includes forecasts for smartphone sales 2014-2018 and average selling price of smartphones...

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