Making it Mobile (MiM) Award (November 2012) – winners and finalists announced

Making it Mobile (MiM) Award • Founded: 2011 • Organized by: Business Leaders Network (BLN) – United Kingdom. • Deadline for entries: November 16, 2012 (closed)...

Five-minute interview: Inbar Chap, DMG

Inbar Chap is deputy CEO of Israel-based PC, mobile and social advertising network, DMG Media Group. Chap led the company’s move into mobile marketing. Today the DMG runs mobile campaigns in 195 countries in 25 languages. 1. What is the one thing that gets you most excited about mobile Web, mobile services and/or mobile marketing?...

Is the threat of a US $250-million class-action law suit enough to stop companies sending unsolicited text messages?

This week, lawyers were given permission by a US Judge at a court in Seattle to bring a class-action law suit against Papa John’s Pizza for allegedly sending unwanted text messages to customers across the US. This allows the lawyers to bring the case for any number of plaintiffs. If the case is proven, the food chain faces a potential bill for damages of over US $250 million...

The insiders guide to mobile Web and marketing in Nigeria

Nigeria – Africa’s most populous nation – recently surpassed 100 million active mobile subscriptions, which equates to around 65.8 percent of the population. Mobile subscribers outnumber fixed lines almost 219:1 and PC penetration is very low, which makes the mobile device the de facto communications device for calls, messaging and accessing the Web. Mobile access to the Internet overtook PC access in October 2011...

Five-minute interview: Lynne Gordon, Brandtone, South Africa

The key to targeting Africa’s growing mobile populous is to use innovative ways to tap into older ubiquitous mobile technologies such as SMS and USSD, argues Lynne Gordon, the general manager of award-wining mobile agency Brandtone South Africa. She highlights some fascinating examples of campaigns and services from across the continent that fit the bill. The problem comes with trying to explain the implications of this reality to the brand marketers who assume that everyone, like them, has a BlackBerry smartphone and an unlimited data plan...

A Guide to Using Pictograms in Mobile Applications

A long-standing feature Developers inspecting the user agent profile of a modern handset like the Motorola XT682 ATRIX TV may be surprised to discover the following ImageCapable declaration which indicates whether a device can display images or not: Yes...

Introducing Prism, a tool for testing device adaptation

Due to the multifarious nature of the mobile web, developers tend to spend a lot of time testing their work. If your site is designed to adapt to multiple different devices this effort is multiplied because you need to ensure that your detection is working correctly across multiple devices and that your response is appropriate in each case...

BLN Making it Mobile (MiM) Award: its free and ridiculously easy to enter, deadline for entry November 16, 2012

This is a great opportunity for young/start-up mobile companies to get some free exposure and see how you measure up to your contemporaries. As part of the BLN Making it Mobile Forum (London, November 16, 2012), the finalists will be given the platform to pitch their companies in front of the conference audience and the competition judges (which includes venture capitalists)...

Winners of the MMA Global Mobile Marketing Awards 2011 with videos and case studies

Update (October 2012): The 2012 winners of the MMA Global Awards are here. Awards: Global Mobile Marketing Awards for Innovation, Creativity and Leadership Founded: 2004. Deadline for entries: July each year (please double check with MMA as this keeps changing) Entry fee: US $250 per entry for MMA Members, US $300 for non-members...

Winners of the MMA Global Mobile Marketing Awards 2012 (SMARTIES) with videos and case studies

Update (September 2013): The 2013 winners of the MMA Smarties are here. Awards: Global Mobile Marketing Awards for Innovation, Creativity and Leadership Founded: 2004. Deadline for entries: July each year (please double check with MMA as this keeps changing) Entry fee: US $250 per entry for MMA Members, US $300 for non-members...

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