Video: Want to engage young people? Think mobile Web. Christian Louca, YOC talks to mobiThinking

Christian Louca, global managing director of mobile advertising network YOC Performance answers the following questions in this interview: 0:08 Why is it essential that brands have a mobile strategy? 0:38 Why is just doing an iPhone or Android app not a mobile strategy? 2:18 Why is a mobile site an essential part of a long-term mobile strategy? 2:53 Why should a Website identify mobile users?...

Video: What is mobile government or m-government? Nick Jones, PM’s Office and COI talks to mobiThinking

Nick Jones, head of digital, UK Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet Office and director of interactive services, COI, answers the following questions in this interview: 0.04 What is mobile government or m-government? 0.18 Why is it important for the government to engage with citizens via mobile? 0.40 Why is mobile Web an important part of m-government?...

Video: What is a mobile affiliate network? Vianney Settini, MobPartner talks to mobiThinking

Vianney Settini, CEO and co-founder, MobPartner answers the following questions in this interview: 0:07 What is the difference between a mobile affiliate network and a mobile ad network? 0:34 What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile affiliate and ad networks? 1:27 What type of company advertises on a mobile affiliate network? 2:54 Can publishers choose the advertising campaign on their site?...

Displaying Status Bar Notifications in Android

Developers of Android are no doubt familiar with the Toast class, which displays a little pop-up containing whatever message you want to display to the user. However, the Toast pop-up will automatically dismiss itself after a while, making it useful as a tool to provide timely feedback to the user (such as informing the user that a file has been saved successfully), but not a really good tool to use for some asynchronous action (such as telling the user that an incoming SMS message has arrived)...

The best of breakingdevelopment conference

As many of you know, the breakingdevelopment conference took place in Nashville, Tennessee over the last few days. It appears to have been a really seminal conference with 13 leading mobile web developers speaking. Others have already put together summaries of the conference but I thought I'd link to what I thought were the most interest presentations...

Compelling content: tips for making useful, sticky mobile Web sites and apps (part 1)

Everyone wants to make their mobile site/app more relevant and useful. This helps to build traffic, increase time on site, improve search engine rankings, convert site visitors into actual sales, attract more advertisers et cetera. Providing excellent, accurate and oft-updated content that is relevant for your mobile customer is a major part of the mix...

So many ad-funded apps, so few ad dollars to support them

Flurry, a mobile app analytics outfit, predicts that “US app inventory is not only growing at a staggering rate, but also poised to absorb the equivalent of the entire US Internet display advertising spend by the end of this year.” That means that there is so much ad space within mobile apps that even if every one of the $12 billion spent on Web advertising in the US was channeled into in-app advertising, there would still be unfilled ad space...

What makes North America the most exciting mobile market in the world? Interview with Michael Becker, MD, North America, MMA

In the second in a series of Q&As with the Mobile Marketing Association regional bosses, mobiThinking catches up with the MMA’s North America managing director, Michael Becker. • Also get the Asia Pacific perspective Rohit Dadwal, MD Asia Pacific, MMA...

Importing & Exporting Documents in iOS

One of the common tasks that an iOS developer has to do is to import or export documents from his iOS application. For example, suppose you are developing a document reader and you want to allow the user to import documents into your application so that it can be read offline. Also, your reader might also support the exporting of documents so that other applications can make use of the document. In this article, I will walk you through the different techniques you can employ to allow documents to be imported or exported from your iOS application. Creating the Project...

The mobile city project – the blueprint of a truly mobilized city

In July 2011, the GSMA crowned Barcelona, Spain Mobile World Capital. Other than being a good place to host the annual GSMA conference, it isn’t immediately clear what makes Barcelona worthier of this title than other cities...

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