Search Results for: touch screen

Effective Design for Multiple Screen Sizes

So you're a designer and have been tasked with the design of a mobile web site. Chances are, unless you're designing for only one device you're quickly going to be faced with a common problem experienced by designers who work with mobile devices; figuring out what screen size to actually design for. For instance:...

Huawei now number 3 device manufacturer: New report on mobile usage

The latest Mobile Intelligence report released by DeviceAtlas shines a light on trends and developments in the device market, based on usage of different devices around the world. The report shows Huawei is now the third biggest device manufacturer after Samsung and Apple, a finding mirrored by IDC in their latest shipments data which puts...

The mobile video revolution: are you ready?

Ever since the first TV made its debut in the mid 1920s, the human race has been having a love affair with moving pictures. Since then we’ve witnessed an evolution from linear, tune-in-or-miss-out programming, to video-on-demand, to live-streaming. And now video’s taking over the internet. Would anyone have believed you if, in the 1920s, you...

Berg Insight: 64 million wearable technology devices by 2017. Why companies need to watch this market closely

Berg Insight forecasts that sales of smart glasses, smart watches and wearable fitness trackers will reach 64.0 million units in 2017. That’s an increase of 50.6 percent per annum from 2012, when there were just 8.3 million units shipped worldwide. mobiThinking asked Berg Insight CEO Johan Fagerberg some questions about the latest research and his opinions on the market, but before we get to the Q&A, first let’s explain what the fuss is about wearable technology and why companies need to track this market...

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