How to be a mobile winner at FIFA World Cup: follow the pros

All marketers planning to jump on football (soccer)'s mobile bandwagon over the next six months must look at how football clubs and seasoned mobile marketers engage mobile fans. With tips from the experts. As the football-loving world (that's soccer if you’re from the US) winds itself up to a fever pitch in the run-up to the FIFA World Cup in South Africa in June, it's essential to take a look at the role that mobile plays in football. All marketers planning to jump on football's mobile bandwagon over the next six months please take note...

How top football (soccer) clubs such as Real Madrid and Everton use mobile to engage fans

The thing that most people forget about football (that's soccer, if you are from the US) clubs is that while they are massive brands, with lots of (extremely loyal) customers, they are small businesses (employing far fewer employees than your average global brands). That's why it's fascinating that football clubs – led by the top brands – have readily embraced mobile as a way to communicate with, deliver news, content and offers to fans, while bringing in valuable extra revenue...

Mobile metrics reports from ad networks: how they stack up

Arguably mobile ad networks know as much about much about mobile advertising, the behavior of mobile consumers and the popularity of mobile Websites as anyone. There was a time when ad networks' mobile metrics reports only provided a small proportion of this valuable data, but that's changing fast. Now more ad networks are on the case, competition is leading to much more useful reports (particularly among the more recent entrants)...

Carnival of the Mobilists #206

It's a baptism by fire for mobiThinking, stepping in at the last minute to host this, our first Carnival of the Mobilists. But it's a pleasure and an education to read and share the best of the mobile blogs from the past week (or so)...

Programming Apple Push Notification Services

One of the key limitations of the iPhone is its constraint on running applications in the background. Because of this, applications cannot keep running in the background when the user switches to another application. So, applications that require a constant state of connectivity (such as social networking applications) will not be able to receive timely updates...

The 2009 Top Ten mobiThinkers

Meet the ten most influential people in mobile Web marketing. Without them, the mobile Web wouldn't be what it is today. How did we do it? mobiThinking invited the people we respect most to nominate their mobile-marketing heroes. With the caliber of nominees so high (and numerous), establishing the Top Ten was a near insurmountable, though rewarding task, involving considerable research, consultation, deliberation and argument. Why did we compile the list? To celebrate success To give credit where it's due...

Five-minute interview: Jonathan MacDonald, – entrepreneur, consultant, blogger, speaker

As an entrepreneur, consultant, blogger and all-round evangelist for mobile, it's easy to see why Jonathan MacDonald is impressed by mobile services that help make the lives of busy people easier and more productive. With a background at Ogilvy, Blyk (a pioneer in permission-based mobile advertising), super-club Ministry of Sound and Sky TV, MacDonald is now currently involved in a wide range of mobile initiatives all coordinated through his company

Why is Apple buying mobile ad network Quattro Wireless?

Apple is the fifth heavyweight to snap up a mobile ad network with the acquisition of Quattro Wireless (according to the Quattro blog on Tuesday). That's right: fifth. It's another huge endorsement of mobile advertising. Though what's significant about Apple is that, up to now, it hasn't shown any interest in advertising, mobile or otherwise...

Nexus One: Where is Android at?

With the announcement of the new GooglePhone, which promises to be the best Android device yet and by all early reports at least comparable with the iPhone 3GS, it seems appropriate to stop to take a look around to see where Android is at. We start with the breakdown of Android Platform distribution, based on access to the Android Market. Android versions (Source:

Dear FTC, if you probe Google’s purchase of AdMob, please end speculation: give us real market share of mobile ad networks

If numerous press reports are to be believed the FTC plans to investigate Google's proposed acquisition of AdMob. If so the FTC has the opportunity to request revenue figures from the 15-20 big mobile ad networks serving the US market, hitherto unavailable to all those mobile pundits that have been speculating about who is the biggest. This means the FTC can put a stop to all the speculation… speculation that is unhelpful to a) Google/AdMob who don't want to be seen as dominant; b) all the other networks that serve the US market; c) advertisers and publishers that might be mislead into thinking size is everything when choosing an ad network...

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