Tag Archives: Android

Ad Blocker Technology

The increasing trend towards screening out ads from web content using browser extensions or apps has hit the mainstream since Apple added support for Ad blockers in iOS9. Up until then, while possible, it was less straightforward to block ads on Apple’s Safari browser for iPhones and iPads...

Android forks: Why Google can rest easy. For now

With worldwide sales of phones based on Android forks on the up, and with big cloud competitor Amazon consolidating its move into the Android-based OS space race with the release of the Fire Phone, it’s time to look at Android forks. What is a fork? When is a fork not really a fork? And what do they mean for users and developers? What is an Android fork?...

Will Chinese device manufacturers usher in global smartphone era?

New figures from industry analyst IDC show huge growth from Chinese handset manufacturers. According to IDC's report, better build quality and cheaper price points will hasten the decline of the feature phone market and usher in a global era of smartphone ownership...

Mobile browsing stats: why do iOS users surf more than Android users?

If Android smartphones and now tablets (as of 2013) outsell iOS devices so convincingly worldwide, why do iOS devices command such a substantial share of mobile browsing in Western markets such the US? This blog post examines why this happens today and whether this will continue to be the case in the future, and what it all means for your mobile strategy...

Android: platform of the next decade or revenue backwater?

This week was an interesting one for the perennial Android vs. iOS debate. Horace Dediu kicked things off on Sunday with a few infographics depicting the dominant smartphone ecosystems: This was picked up on by Cennydd Bowles and a sparkling debate ensued...

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