How mobile is changing travel in Asia: interview with Skyscanner Asia-Pacific director Ewan Gray

Skyscanner, available via multilingual apps, PC sites and mobile sites, searches through thousands of airlines, hotels and car-rental suppliers to find the best travel options for customers, for free. However, when Skyscanner’s millions of mobile users click through to the travel suppliers from its apps/site, they find that only 38 percent of the travel operators’ sites are mobile-friendly...

GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2012 – the winners with videos and case studies

Update (March 2013): The 2013 winners of the Global Mobile Awards are here. Awards: Global Mobile Awards Founded: 1995. Organized by: GSMA. Deadline for entries: November each year...

Websites must be mobile-friendly to comply with FTCs new digital advertising guidelines

Last month, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) updated its digital advertising guidelines to underline the fact that the same rules apply to mobile advertising, sites and apps as online (and offline). No big surprise, since the FTC has already taken action against several mobile publishers for deceptive advertising. What is really interesting is that the FTC places an obligation on Webmasters of PC sites and PC advertisers to ensure that any disclosures relating to sign-ups, purchases etc. must be explicit, obvious and readable, even if the viewing device is mobile and has a small screen...

Global reach and dynamic page weight – is there a correlation?

Many reports on web page sizes issued in recent years point to the same conclusion: the web has a weight problem. The web seems to be gaining weight each year despite the fact that study after study has shown a strongly negative reaction from users to heavy web pages and resulting loading times...

Why HTML5 still presents some problems on mobile

One of the debates of 2013 centres on which approach you should adopt to deliver a great user experience, while keeping costs at an acceptable level. This question often gets parsed as [i]“HTML5 or native applications?”[/i] or [i]“HTML or mobile site builders”[/i] or even something else entirely. But with all the vaunted promise of HTML5, just what does that ‘5’ mean when it comes to real world deployments?...

Five-minute interview: Richard Ting, R/GA

Richard Ting is global executive creative director for mobile and social platforms at R/GA. He has worked with Nike, Verizon Wireless, Nokia, J&J, MasterCard and Walmart, among others, focusing on creating integrated digital engagement across the Web, mobile and social media platforms. Ting (working with his R/GA colleagues) has received innumerable awards including the Cannes Titanium Lion Grand Prix for the Nike+ FuelBand, Grand Clio, D&AD Black Pencil and multiple MMA trophies...

Knowledge is power: what do advertisers want from mobile?

mobiThinking was recently asked: What kind of information do advertisers (brands and agencies) want from mobile? It’s a common question. There’s not much in the way of research on the matter, so the following is opinion. We’d like to hear from you on the matter...

The insiders guide to mobile Web and marketing in Sweden

3G (third-generation) high-speed mobile networks got a head start in Sweden, thanks to the issuing of licenses to those operators prepared commit to extensive roll-outs, rather than just handing them out to the highest bidder. Next, Sweden saw introduction of the world’s first 4G (fourth-generation) networks, back in 2009 – today the majority of Swedes are covered by a superfast 4G data network. Swedish consumers have quickly embraced the smartphone: more than 80 percent of handsets sold in 2012 were smartphones and that’s expected to rise to 90 percent this year...

Why Responsive Web Design is not always the best option for a mobile SEO strategy

There are a lot of misconceptions about what Google is saying about mobile SEO. First and foremost, Google doesn't mandate the use of Responsive Web Design (RWD) as best practice for SEO. Google [url=]expressly says[/url] [i]"Google does not favor any particular URL format as long as they are all accessible to both Googlebot and Googlebot-Mobile”[/i] the bots Google uses to crawl desktop and Smartphone specific content. And it’s worth noting here that Google is crawling desktop and mobile content separately...

Performance is money, part 1: the end-user’s wallet

Most web developers are familiar with the maxim that light is good: the idea that page performance matters to the end user experience is a truism at this point, backed up by a tremendous amount of real-world evidence, summarised quite nicely at [url=][/url]...

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